"What was it like? Did you see any crabs? Fish? Oh! What about dolphin's?" The small boy seemed to perk up thinking about all those different animals, bring a slight smile to his face.
"What was it like? Did you see any crabs? Fish? Oh! What about dolphin's?" The small boy seemed to perk up thinking about all those different animals, bring a slight smile to his face.
He smiled, his mind traveling back to those better times. “I definitely saw some crabs.” He chuckled. “Pretty sure I was bothering one so it pinched me. Took my mom a solid thirty minutes to calm me down after that. And if you went where the water was shallow, there were all of these really tiny fish that would swim right past you.”
"Aww," Lachy cooed when Aidan mentioned the fish, wishing more then anything he was there and not in the middle of the forest with some prophecy on their backs, "I wish I could go. They sound so cute."
“Well then that settles it. Once we do all this prophecy shit and win, and we are going to win, I’m taking you to the beach. It’ll be great.” He smiled over at Lachy softly. He seemed so sure that everything was going to go right.
Lachy blinked, not expecting Aidan to say that, "Really? You mean it?" He squealed, "Can I hug you? Or would that be weird?"
“Yeah I mean it. And if you want to I’m not going to stop you. B-but just this once.” He was normally pretty opposed to people being too close to him or hugging him. But with Lachy, he just felt okay with it.
Lachy basically jumped into Aidan's arms, wrapping his arms around the others neck, "Thank you." He whispered, "It sounds crazy but it means a lot."
He smiled, gently wrapping his arms around Lachy in return. “Y-Yeah no problem.” And his brain still couldn’t explain why his heart was so comfortable with this. So comfortable with him. Someone he didn’t even know that well.
Even though this whole situation was scary. Even though Aidan's powers still seemed incredibly scary and a part of him didn't trust him, he liked this. The hug, and wanted to stay like this for ages if he could. However a moment later he removed his arms from the hug.
Aidan also let go of Lachy but some part of him was extremely opposed to the idea of not being near him. He’d liked how it felt to have Lachy in his arms. He quickly took those feelings and bottled them up, hiding them somewhere deep inside.
The two kept walking for the rest of the day until the sun started to go down. The forest became more dense the further they got, the sun being blocked out casting them both in darkness which made Lachy shiver uncomfortably. Eventually, there was a small rock over look that would provide them enough cover for the night. It wasn't a cave exactly, but it was the best they could find.
“C’mon, that should do for tonight.” He said, grabbing Lachy and pulling him to the overlook. He sat down, leaning his head back against the rocks with a relieved sigh. “What a long day.”
Lachy let out a breath, wanting to protest to keep walking however was too tired to do so, “You can say that again… it’s been too long.”
He nodded, sliding down until he was practically the whole way on the ground. He hoped they wouldn’t run into any more trouble but he wasn’t going to take any chances. “You should get some rest, I’ll go ahead and keep watch, at least for the first half of the night.”
The small boy shook his head, "No, no, you rest first," He insisted, sitting down a little ways away from Aidan, "I'm fine, you sleep."
“Are you sure?” He asked hesitantly. He didn’t even know if he’d be able to sleep when he was this on edge.
Lachy nodded, "I'm sure. Try and sleep, please." He knew himself he wouldn't be able to sleep, even though he was exhausted.
He looked at him for another second, judging if Lachy was actually sure before giving in. He lay down on the ground and closed his eyes, doing his best to get to sleep.
He released a breath, resting his head against the cave wall. As long as Aidan slept that's all that mattered. Besides, his mind wouldn't shut up for long enough to let him rest.
Aidan actually managed to fall asleep. He looked so peaceful, his hair falling in front of his face as he breathed softly.
Lachy looked over, taking a moment to just watch him. He knew it was weird and strange, however no one else was there was it didn't matter. He was just glad that Aidan was resting.
Aidan was actually sleeping peacefully, especially considering the dude was sleeping on the ground. He was even smiling softly in his sleep.
Aidan's smile brought one to Lachy's. He shook his head softly to himself, looking out at the forest beyond, going back to keeping watch.
Aidan would stay asleep for three or four hours before waking up on his own. “Hey..” he mumbled groggily as he sat up. “How long was I out?” He asked, blinking tiredly at Lachy.
Lachy nearly jumped at the sudden noise, blinking rapidly as he looked over at Aidan, "'Bout fours hours maybe," He replied, "Did you sleep okay?"
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