(sorry for disappearing for like a month!)
“So, did you ever go to school?” she asked, trying to keep a conversation going.
(sorry for disappearing for like a month!)
“So, did you ever go to school?” she asked, trying to keep a conversation going.
(it's fine)
Dmitri blinked at her. "A little bit, yes. My father mostly taught me himself. I learned everything I needed to."
“So, did you ever have to learn trigonometry?” Elissa asked curiously. “I had to learn it in high school and it was a complete waste of time!”
Dmitri blinked. "Ah…no." he said slowly, not really wanting to admit that he didn't know much higher math, in all honesty.
“Lucky,” Elissa sighed. “So was it structured or just kinda…whatever?”
"I learned what was necessary." He replied with a shrug.
“Okay,” Elissa responded, trying to think of another conversation topic. “What was your favorite thing to learn about?”
"Mm. History, I suppose." Dmitri replied, adjusting the glove that covered his cybernetic hand. "And yours?"
"Science, probably," Elissa responded. "It's pretty interesting learning about the world around us, and about technology. Math was the worst, though. Ugh."
He nodded a little bit, looking at her. "Ah, I see. I never liked science all that much."
“Why not?” Elissa asked, curious. She found science fascinating, at least, when it was taught right. Most of her science teachers had been pretty good, though.
"Too complicated." He replied simply. "I didn't have the time for it."
“Oh, okay,” Elissa replied. “Fair enough, I suppose. It is pretty complicated, though that’s actually kind of what I like about it.”
He nodded slightly. "Yeah. It's just not my… preference, I suppose."
“I get that,” Elissa said. “So what was your favorite part of history to learn about, anyway?”
"Mm. Just…I don't know. Different stories about the past and all that, I suppose. Old royalty." He shrugged.
“Yeah, that is pretty interesting,” Elissa agreed. “So if you weren’t in the business of kidnapping and murdering people, what do you think you’d be doing with your life?”
Dmitri laughed a little. "To tell truth? The truth, I mean? I don't know." He shook his head, blond hair falling into his icy eyes. "I really have no idea."
“Is there anything that you’d want to do?” Elissa pressed. “For your everyone’s sake I hope you have a hobby that’s not murder.”
His mouth curved faintly at that. "Murder is not one of my hobbies." He said, shaking his head.
Elissa rolled her eyes. “So not the point,” she responded. “Do you do anything that’s not illegal?”
"Yes." He said, shrugging a little bit.
“Okay, what is it?” she asked, trying to figure out something about him that wouldn’t make her angry.
"Like I said. History. And…I don't know. I don't get all that much downtime." E said with a shrug.
Elissa sighed. “I guess that’s something. I can’t tell you how to live your life, even if I am morally against literally everything you do.”
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