“Oh, I see,” Elissa responded. “How good are you with locks?”
“Oh, I see,” Elissa responded. “How good are you with locks?”
Reagan thought about that. "Oh. It…depends? what kind of locks?"
“The kind on these cells,” Elissa said, inclining her head towards the cell doors. She was hopeless with locks, but if Reagan was any good, maybe their chances of getting out of here would both increase.
Reagan crossed to the door, inspecting it. "Maybe? Do you have a wire? Or hairpin, I suppose."
“I do have a hairpin,” she said, taking a bobby pin out of her pocket. “I have no idea how to use it though, so if you know how maybe we can try to break out.”
Reagan nodded. "I don't know. I can use it, if we can figure out how to get it from your cell to mine."
Elissa nodded. “How easy is it to break the glass on the windows?” she mused, looking around for something to break it with.
"I am unsure." they replied, looking over at Elissa.
“Hmm,” she responded, still looking. She obviously wasn’t going to find a baseball bat lying around, but maybe if she could jimmy one of the legs of the bed free. After several minutes of struggling, the slightly loose leg gave loudly. Elissa stood stock still for another minute afterward, hoping no one came.
Reagan's eyes flashed, and they looked around to see if anyone would come.
Thankfully, no one came and Elissa held up her bed leg like a bat, looking at the window that showed her Reagan’s cell. Then she swung, cracking the glass a little but not breaking it. After a few more swings, the glass was mostly shattered. Elissa held out her bobby pin through the hole, careful not to scrape her arm on bits of broken glass.
Reagan ducked back as the window was shattered, then cautiously took the bobby pin, then got to work on the door handle.
Elissa waited anxiously while Reagan worked on unlocking the door. Someone could come at any moment, and she hefted the bed leg, ready.
Reagan continued to work, frowning a little bit.
Elissa glanced over at Reagan, not wanting to rush them, but also quite nervous.
Reagan wiggled the bobby pin back and forth, still working hard.
Eventually, Elissa gave in. “How close are you?” she asked quietly.
"I don't know. Close." they replied.
Elissa nodded, trying not to think of all of the ways that this could go wrong.
Reagan continued working, frowning. The lock finally popped with a click, and they straightened. "Got it."
“Nice!” Elissa exclaimed. “Wait, now how do I get out?”
Reagan laughed faintly, stepping out of their cell. "It's a simple lock." They said, and unlocked her door.
“Thanks,” Elissa responded with a smile. “Now, which way should we go?”
Reagan shrugged, stepping back. "I'm not sure."
“I think I’ve seen more people come from the left, so left?” she suggested.
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