They nodded a little. "Alright."
They nodded a little. "Alright."
Elissa took off in that direction, pausing at every corner to make sure no one was there. Luckily, no one was. They must be out on a job or something, though she had the creeping feeling it was only a matter of time before they ran into a someone.
Reagan seemed anxious, sticking near Elissa.
Elissa turned a corner and bumped right into someone who looked about her age. The kid’s eyes widened, but before they could do anything, Elissa hit them in the head with her bed leg. They stumbled back, dazed, before Elissa hit them again, harder and they fell to the ground, passed out. Another person turned the corner and saw the mess, eyes instantly hardening. “Oh shit,” Elissa muttered.
Reagan's eyes were wide and scared. "I…uhm…"
Elissa quickly surmised that Reagan wouldn’t be much help in a fight and sighed before running after the second person. This woman looked slightly older and stronger than the first person, and was probably about to go sound some sort of alarm. Of course, it was up to Elissa to stop her. By some miracle, the woman was not too much taller than Elissa, and she was able run up to her and put the woman in a choke hold. However, Elissa’s opponent was strong enough to throw her off and she stumbled backward as her attacker rubbed her neck, a faint ring of bruises beginning to appear.
Elissa wasted no time, running in with the bed leg and swinging at the woman’s knee. She crumpled, and Elissa was able to knock her upside the head like she should have done the first time. Elissa stood there for a moment to catch her breath.
Reagan stared at her, eyes wide. "You…uhm…" They said slowly, blinking a little bit.
“Hmm?” Elissa asked, glancing at Reagan with the bed leg still in hand. “We should probably get going, you know, before we run into more people. I don’t think I can take on two people at once, or anyone who can actually fight well.”
Reagan blinked. "I…" They seemed like they were in shock.
Elissa looked at Reagan, almost pleading. “Come on, Reagan, we have to go and I am not carrying you.”
Reagan eventually followed her, almost shaking.
The rest of the way, they managed to avoid running into anyone else. They came to a door with code on it, and Elissa turned to Reagan. “Any chance you can guess the code?”
Reagan blinked. "I…uhm…" they bit their lip, edging closer to the door. "Maybe."
Elissa moved over to give Reagan more space. “Go for it, then.”
Reagan examined it carefully, frowning a little bit.
Elissa watched, before glancing behind herself anxiously.
Reagan started carefully fiddling with it, trying to decipher how it worked.
Elissa continued to watch anxiously.
Reagan continued trying to work it.
Elissa stiffened as she heard footsteps, holding up her bed leg as she glanced to Reagan again.
Reagan was still working, frown on their face.
Luckily the footsteps subsided, but they left Elissa on edge.
Reagan took a deep breath, still working.
Elissa began to tap her foot nervously, her patience wearing thin.
Reagan worried their lower lip between their teeth, still working at the number pad.
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