forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Me too TT.TT)

"I'm so s-sorry…" Astral's head finally hung as his tears hit the floor.
"So, so sorry…" The god hiccuped and stuttered, his body shaking. All the feelings he'd been trying to run from when he locked himself away came pouring back…


Simon didn’t even know how to respond to the way the god was acting. But he didn’t trust it. He picked up the blanket from off the floor where he’d dropped it, wrapping it back around himself silently. He just wanted to go back to his room, with Mia, and hide.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was healed by now. When she realized where she was, she scrambled to get out of Astral's arms, a sob finding it's way out of her closing throat. All the gusto from the day she'd screamed about how much she hated him was gone. She got to her feet as quickly as she could, stumbling some as she hurried to Simon.
"L-Let's get, out-"

Astral didn't do anything to stop this. He was frozen there, sobbing softly as he was forced to face just what he had done to SImon.


Simon had finally been able to look at the god, and found himself unable to feel bad for him. That man had put him through hell and then abandoned him to deal with the aftermath. He couldn’t let himself feel bad just because Astral was realizing how damaging his actions were. Simon still had no guarantees that Astral wouldn’t do the same thing again if given the chance. Mia stumbling over sort of snapped him back to the present. He nodded silently, taking her hand and quickly pulled the both of them back to their room, slamming the door behind him, his only true sign of anger.


“N-no, not really.” He’d managed to calm down enough to not break down in front of Astral but he was shaking practically uncontrollably now. “I-I…” he trailed off, not able to find the words to describe just how awful he was feeling. He was still terrified that the god would come bursting through the door.


He nodded. “O-okay…” he said softly, pulling Mia close to him. He needed to be comforted just as much as she did right now. “I w-will.” He was still scared that the god would sit outside their door or something and refuse to leave.


“D-don’t talk like that! I-it’s gonna be okay!” He reassured her quickly, beginning to get worried. He was afraid that she was going to leave him alone. He didn’t think he’d be able to survive it all by himself.

((I mean Simon’s probably going to too-))
((But yes that would be horrible and Simon would 100% blame Astral))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Got it!)
(Because I'm starting to lean more towards Astral not really getting a redemption arc… but he just breaks. Like, oops, he means to keep Simon safe, but…)

"I– I c-can't, Si-imon…" Mia looked up, her trembling stopping. It was more terrifying than before.
"I-I'm, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry…"


“P-please! Y-y-you can’t leave me!! I-I’ll be better, I promise! I’m sorry! J-just don’t leave!” Simon was definitely begging her at this point. He couldn’t be alone.

((Yeahhhhhhh ;-; swim Why do you do that))