forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia kept rubbing Simon's back, slowly moving herself to lay down with him. She had her hands up by his neck and head, turning her body so her head was with his and her lower half was far away from his stomach.


Simon kept his eyes squeezed shut, and he was trembling slightly in Mia’s arms as she held him. The reality was setting in again. Right now he wanted nothing more than to scream in Astral’s face. Simon wanted to hurt the god for what he’d done to him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia fell quiet, continuing her gentle motion. She pulled herself closer, hugging Simon without touching his stomach still. If they didn't acknowledge it, it wasn't there. Simon would be okay.


Simon did appreciate how much care and caution she was putting into taking care of him. He reached his hand out from under the blanket, taking one of Mia’s hands and squeezing it gently. But after a second he let go of her hand, pulling his arm back under the blanket.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia had been dreading when this would come. She kept her arms gently around Simon's head, holding him close. She ran her hand lightly over his back, never going far down. Keep him focused up, his head, his masculine chest. Not the child growing every day.


Simon was trying to focus on that too, trying to think about anything but the kid. He was very grateful that he at least had a flat chest, that was one less thing to bring him down. As long as he didn’t think about the source of it, looking back, it was probably just another thing Astral had done to manipulate him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia didn't know why Astral had taken care of Simon's chest for him. Really, she didn't understand much of what he did. Mia closed her eyes, not wanting to think about it. She didn't want to bring Simon down more than he already was with her own mood. So, Mia stayed silent, stayed still, and let Simon take this day to be sad, and scared. He needed to let it out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia didn't move, either. She wasn't going to leave Simon alone in this. She didn't know Simon was crying, though, but she still stayed with him. She continued to gently rub his head, continued to offer what little comfort she could. She knew it wasn't enough, though. She didn't know what would be.


Honestly…there probably wasn’t anything anyone could do that’d be enough to soothe him entirely. He’d reached his breaking point. And now all the events and trauma from the entirety of his life was crashing down on him all at once.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

How many more months? How long would it keep getting worse? Mia had lost track, couldn't remember the signs that showed how far along Simon was. She wouldn't ask to see, either. Anything, anything at all to try to distract him.


Too many. Simon already knew this was only the beginning, that the signs would get much more obvious and much more painful for him. He knew soon that there’d actually be something keeping him up at night besides his fear of Astral. And at some point he’d realize that Astral could make him go through all of this all over again if he wanted to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

It was terrifying to think of. Even if this… birth, was successful, and the child was healthy, Astral could decide he wasn't satisfied. That he wanted… more. An army of demigod children… He might even seek out others- other men like Simon, to take advantage of. A breeding farm… It made Mia shiver in fear.


That thought hadn’t occurred to Simon yet, but when it did, it would drive him mad. Because he’d know he’d be responsible for it. If he’d just never taken Astral’s hand…Astral wouldn’t have found this loophole. This realization definitely had the possibility of driving him to do something rash.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Oh god… This was so horrible. Mia bit her lip, refusing to let anything out. Oh god, this was horrifying… She could never tell Simon. She, she had to do everything to make sure he never thought of it. Oh god, oh god… She couldn't help but envision it, so many men forced to go through this, forced to be nothing more than breeding stock… Oh god, it made her want to puke.