forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Thankfully Simon didn’t seem to mind, but he didn’t move closer to her like he normally did. He hated this as much, if not more, than she did. Most of all, he hated this because he knew things could never be the same after this. His days of hoping for a better future would be over, and he’d have to give everything he had into making sure the kid would turn out okay, no matter at what cost to him personally.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was going to help in any way she could. She'd take care of Simon, and the child. She'd do everything she could to make sure they were both okay in the end. She fell still, not moving at all anymore.


Simon really hoped they would all be okay in the end, but he didn’t know if that would ever really be possible. Dammit…he was so afraid. He didn’t even know how long Astral would keep them both alive. He was scared there’d be a point where Astral would just drag him away and lock him up somewhere and never let him out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia knew Simon wouldn't just be locked up in some room somewhere. He's… she didn't know what Astral would do. A necklace? A statue? Would Astral even bother turning Simon into something, or just stick him in one of the small glass boxes in his workroom? She… Astral would just kill her, or turn her back into what she was before. There was no happy end for her, she knew that. No matter how much they hoped, no matter how much of a slim chance Simon had, Mia didn't. This would be the end of her.


Simon was terrified of that too, that Mia would only stay alive as long as he was useful to Astral, and after that time had passed, the god would do something terrible to her. At this point, he’d just accepted that there were no happy endings for any of them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

No more hopeful daydreaming for these two. All they could wish for was some mercy or a quick death. The worst-case scenario… an eternity of pain, or madness in minutes. Mia closed her eyes, trembling some at the thought. She, she needed to keep Simon calm, but she herself couldn't hide her terror completely.


Feeling Mia beginning to tremble, Simon silently moved closer to her side. At this point….he was almost certain that if Astral didn’t kill him after the baby was born, then Simon would do it himself. He was already so done with the pain.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia couldn't help herself much longer- she pressed as much to Simon as she could without touching his stomach, beginning to cry softly. Her silent sobs racked through her body.
"I… I-I-" She couldn't even form words, but just her tone showed how much despair was coursing through her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia fell back into her silent sobs, shaking more and more. She pressed her head to his, hope lost. Everything, just… lost. They couldn't, they could never escape. Even- even in death, that fucking demon would still have his grip on them.


“I’m sorry….” he said quietly, not knowing what else to really say. Because what was there to even say when you were in a situation as dire as this one? But at least one thing was very clear to him now and that was that he hated Astral, beyond a shadow of a doubt.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Y… You're," Mia choked out. "Hurt- h-hurt one…." She shook her head again, pressing close. Simon was the one who'd been forced to bear child, the one forced to live with all of this. Mia was just the provider Astral had decided on for him.


He shrugged, not really wanting to think about it. “But that doesn’t mean it’s okay for you to’s still not right that you’re hurting this much. And I’m sorry that that’s how it is right now.” He was able to sound surprisingly calm at the moment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia sniffled, wiping at her tears with the heel of one of her hands. She pushed closer to Simon, still shaking. She didn't say a word, not again. She just… she felt so horrible, forcing Simon to care for her. He was the one so hurt, but she… all she had to worry about was death. He had to worry about so, so much more…


Simon sat up at last, pushing the blankets off of him. His eyes were still red rimmed from when he’d been crying quietly earlier. He forced himself to smile, and though it wasn’t much, it was still there. “It’s okay, don’t cry.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia looked up, wiping at her cheeks again. She sat up as well, hesitating before reaching over to hug Simon. So, so careful of his stomach… She didn't speak, just keep close as she tried to take Simon's advice.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia buried her head in Simon's shoulder, unable to help it as a few more tears fell. She could feel him shaking, she knew he was going through so much. She pulled herself closer, hands tightening around the back of Simon's shirt.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia shook more, her tears back to flowing freely. They were doomed- there was nothing they could do to save themselves. They were completely at Astral's mercy. Mia, she'd- she'd been through this before, but she had foolishly thought that things would be different.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… I-I can't…" Mia sobbed softly into Simon's shoulder. Even if Astral had taken a liking to Simon, in his own sick, twisted way, Mia didn't have that protection. She was dead, he'd find some way to lock her away again, or maybe he'd just destroy- destroy her soul… She let out a choked sob-scream at that, a wail of despair.