forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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At hearing Mia’s cries of pain he couldn’t do it anymore and quickly got up, yanking a blanket off the bed and wrapping it around himself before bursting out into the hallway. “I’m right here!” He was doing his best not to shrink in fear at the mere sight of Astral. “W-what do you want?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked over, letting out a breath.
"Simon…" The god took a step forward. He was still covered in the essence of souls, staining his hands a sickly pale blue white.
"Is she taking care of you? Are you eating?"


Yeah Astral’s appearance definitely wasn’t helping him not feel terrified. But honestly Astral’s words made him angry. How dare he show up here after months asking how he was doing as if nothing had happened?! “Yes. We’re doing fine.” He replied shortly, looking over at Mia, trying to see if she was okay.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia… she wasn't doing too good. Astral had probably broken her jaw when he slammed her into the wall, and that was at best.
Astral looked, not surprised, but unready for how Simon had answered. He took half a step back, then two more forward.
"Let me see," the god said. He'd finally managed to work himself up to see Simon and he was going to make sure the child was okay too.


“No.” Simon replied before he could even think. He didn’t want the god anywhere near him, especially not touching him. “There’s nothing to really see yet anyway.” He said, trying to justify his response some but that didn’t change how hostile his tone was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral stopped a moment.
"You think… you think after all these years, of trying to father a child I- I wouldn't know everything? That I don't know just how far along you are?" Astral took a step forward. He… he didn't mean to be angry. He just… he wanted to see. He wanted to see it wasn't for nothing.


Simon knew he was going to lose this battle no matter what. He took in a deep breath and quickly asked. “If I do it will you fix Mia’s jaw?” He really hoped Astral said yes, he didn’t need his friend to be in more pain.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral couldn't help but go to his knees. He looked at Simon's stomach, the bump there.
"My… child…" Tears came to the god's eyes- he moved forward some, lightly placing a hand on Simon's baby bump. Afraid if he touched anymore, it would all be a dream.


Simon of course didn’t say a word. He’d just have to tolerate this for as long as it lasted. And this moment was probably when he completely realized that Astral only ever saw him as a tool for getting what he wanted. Nothing more. Not ever.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I will at least admit to it ~,~)

"I…" Astral had the opposite problem- he found himself unable to look away from Simon. The hurt, the pain there… It wasn't worth it. Even still, he shifted over, taking Mia gently in his hands. He covered her jaw, starting to heal it.
"I'm so… so, so sorry…" the god kept looking at Simon, the tears spilling over.

(Grammarly: Your work sounds worried, direct, and sad!)
(Me: Y-Yeah it does…)


((I’m supposed to be doing homework but instead I’m bawling on the floor :’) ))

Simon simply ignored him, knowing that if he reacted at all, he’d just start crying, and he didn’t want that. Besides, he didn’t even want Astral’s apology, what was the point of it when the god’s actions weren’t going to change.