forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… I-I know…" Astral raised one hand to his eyes, rubbing at them to keep from crying again.
"I… what I did w-was horrible, a-and then I just hid away. I-I refused to even think about it for so long…"


“I just-“ he sighed. “You just don’t think sometimes…before you do stuff…and we’re all much too fragile for that.” He knew someone had to explain this to Astral, and it might as well be him. At the current moment, Astral needed him alive, so he was safe to speak.


He nodded. “Good…wanting to get better is the first step. Now you actually need to follow through with that. Because what just happened here, that was to some extent your fault.” He said, finally looking up at Astral. “You’ve taken so much from her, and I will hate you if you take anything else away from her.”


“So you really do want to do better then?” He asked, mostly rhetorically. He really wasn’t expecting it. But he wouldn’t get his hopes up, there was still a good chance Astral was lying, or would change his mind and go back to his old ways.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let his own eyes stay on Simon, nodding slightly as he swallowed. He just hoped he could actually do it. Then, when Simon looked back to Mia, the god finally left the room. He closed the door quietly, letting out a sigh when it was separating them.