forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Okay, okay, so you know how horrible Astral is? Well, I've got an rp with him with an irl fren in pms, and dear god the things we do to their character is absolutely disgusting, 10/10 nightmare fuel)

Mia had watched over Simon for some time now, with thankfully no interruptions from Astral at all. She'd been trying to coax the man into eating more, trying to get him to keep his mind off of what was happening to his body. Still… it was getting harder, the longer things continued.


((Oh noooooooooo that’s a big oof tbh))

Simon had begun to get…not exactly better, but stable. And even then, the author used that word generously. Simon would normally eat once a day, and never in large amounts. He’d maybe eat twice if he was having a really good day. As for showering, well, he did the best he could to keep up with it. But in the past week or so, Simon had been noticing some changes. He hadn’t talked with Mia about it, as if not discussing it would make it stop happening. But now, despite pulling on the largest hoodie he owned, it was getting harder and harder to ignore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was glad to have Simon eating as much as he had been, but she was scared that it would stop. She hadn't said a word about anything either, doing everything she could to keep him… content. Not even happy, at this point, but functioning.
That morning, Mia was cooking for herself. Well, she made herself a single piece of toast so light it was mostly just warmed. She worried about leaving Simon alone for too long.


Mia didn’t have to worry about Simon doing anything rash today because at the moment he was refusing to get out of bed. He’d only gotten up to turn off the lights before getting back into bed, pulling the blankets up over his head and closing his eyes.


Simon’s response was so quiet, it was barely even audible. Just a quiet ‘hey.’ He didn’t make any move to sit up, or even pull back the blankets a bit to look over at Mia. Even underneath the blankets and in the dark, he had his eyes tightly squeezed shut.