forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(A night terror could be good filler, be might have to do a time skip soon cause, yeah, Astral isn't going to be doing shit to Simon for quite some time. I'll get to work thinking on ways we can force the three to interact, like Simon or Mia getting hurt or something)


He shook his head slightly, beginning to hum nervously. He’d stopped speaking now, which could either mean he was close to waking up, or that the storm hadn’t even come yet. He’d begun to tremble in Mia’s arms.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Simon, Simon," Mia continued. She had to get the man up. If he was close to doing so, it would be good. And if it wasn't even close to over… she needed to stop it before he was too far in.
"Wake up, S-Simon…"


After another moment, Simon finally jolted awake, looking appropriately distressed, his eyes wide and breathing in and out much too quickly. He wasn’t entirely sure yet if he was safe or not. It’d take a moment for everything to begin to make sense again.


He didn’t say anything for a moment, his eyes doing a quick sweep of the room, reassuring himself that he was actually safe. He put a hand on his face, as if checking for any injuries, his hand dropping back down to his side when he didn’t find any. He looked over at Mia, offering a sad smile. “I’m sorry…”


He tried to let himself relax but he was more afraid of drifting off now. He hated that he still acted like this. That he felt an overwhelming need to cling to someone else for comfort as soon as anything happened. He sighed softly. He was an adult, and he hated how he still acted like a child.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia figured there was no way Simon was going to go back to sleep, and she didn't blame him. So, instead, she held him to herself, fingers still gently combing through his hair. She knew Simon needed comfort, and that it would never bother her to give it. The man had been hurt so much, by so many. It was no wonder he took any comfort he was offered.


Simon stayed pressed against her side, letting her run her fingers through his hair. It did help him relax but he still couldn’t help but feel bad for disturbing her. He didn’t know how to make the nightmares stop, or if they ever would.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia stayed calm for Simon's sake, a soft expression on her face. She didn't break the silence, but she did shift some, pulling the blankets up around them. It must be getting later in the day, because it was getting cooler in the palace.


“You think so?” He asked, looking up at her. “I really hope so…but I don’t see why he would leave us alone.” He truly didn’t understand what Astral’s plan was here. Maybe he’d leave them alone until the baby was born but after that, well, Simon was about 80% certain that Astral was going to murder them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I… I don't know, for certain, but… you're different, with him. That he's giving space at all is strange. I think he's not going to hurt you." Mia said nothing for herself. After all… he'd already proven his willingness to do so. She held back a shudder as she remembered when he decided to seal her inside her own mind.