forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((soooooo Emile is numero uno, dead. And number two, a claimed soul. So I was just wondering if that’d impact anything lol))

“You should get some rest.” He commented softly, even though he knew he was being hypocritical. “I’ll be fine while you do, promise.” He really didn’t want to be sleeping, but even he knew he needed to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(a-ah, yeah it would lol. Like, to who, tho this is vvy important because there is a Thing I have to do if it's a cross-pantheon situation)

Mia nodded slowly, shifting to be on her side.
"Promise you'll try to get some rest later too?" She understood Simon's aversion to sleep at the moment, and was willing to stay awake to watch over him.


((no one major lol, just Alec. He’s a relatively powerful demon, not like one of the major ones or anything tho. And if that messes with anything, I can just change it lol))

He nodded. “I’ll do my best.” He said, even knowing he wouldn’t sleep for very long, and definitely not as much as Mia would want him to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(okay! There shouldn't be anything at need to change, but a big note is that Astral will probably refer to Alec as a 'minor god' or 'underling' because he doesn't give enough fucks to learn the difference XD)

"Thank you…" Mia slowly closed her eyes again, her hand finding it's way back into Simon's. She'd like for Simon trip get a full night's rest with no great, but it wasn't possible anymore. Not after what happened, after what Simon realized and still had to go through now. She fully believed Astral hadn't told Simon, and that the only reason she was told to take care of Simon was the child.


((nice nice. Also Alec will be too busy being angry about how Astral is taller than him anyway XD))

Simon stayed close to Mia’s side as he listened to her slowly drifting off to sleep. He too would like to get a full night’s rest, it just didn’t seem possible for him at this stage of processing the trauma. He sighed softly. He still felt so insanely stupid about this whole thing. He’d told himself not to trust Astral, but he couldn’t even manage to take his own advice. And now look what had happened. And more than anything, he hated that he missed the way things had been between them.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(pffff, sounds perfect lol)

Mia moved closer to Simon in her sleep, her head resting on his chest. She looked calm, at least, but it would come to be a look she only had on her face when sleeping like this, and even then it wouldn't be often. She just needed to make sure Simon was okay, even though they were practically in an elaborate torture play chamber of Astral's.


He was glad that she seemed calm. But he also already knew that these peaceful moments would be rare. To be honest, he was terrified of Astral, and terrified of what would happen when the god decided he’d given Simon enough space.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

There were many things that could happen, if the 'nightmares' were anything to go of of. Astral was not one you were safe around, not ever.
Mia slept for about an hour and a half, sticking close to Simon as she did. Her eyes finally opened, and she looked up at Simon.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia rubbed her eyes once, leaving her arms up by her head.
"As well as I could, I suppose. Do you want to get some rest now?" The woman who badly wanted Simon to say yes, because he needed it.
"I'll be sure to get you up if you start to have a nightmare…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Aha, I'm back, parents are off playing cards with friends who got over covid a few weeks ago because fuck us :)

"That's perfectly okay," Mia agreed. She kept close to Simon as he cocooned himself, rubbing her eyes to make sure she would stay awake. The woman had to stay up and make sure Simon wasn't trapped in any nightmares.


((Oh damn that’s…well that’s upsetting ngl))

Simon hesitantly closed his eyes. But after that it barely took him any time at all to fall asleep. He stayed peacefully asleep for awhile, almost a whole hour. It seemed like he might actually be able to have a good bit of rest. But after about an hour and a half, he silently began to cry, not to the point where Mia would notice it easily, but it happened nonetheless.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Extremely so, esp. since all four of them in the high-risk ages…)

Mia had kept a close eye on Simon for quite some time, but she couldn't help but lose focus when it looked like Simon was okay. She found her own mind slowly spiraling down the rabbit hole of wondering just what Astral would do to them once he'd gotten over pretending to care about Simon.
When she did snap out of it, she finally saw the tear tracks on Simon's cheeks.
"Shit," she murmured under her breath, eyes widening as she moved to try to carefully shake Simon awake.


((Well isn’t that just lovely. My parents are also high risk but are thankfully pretty careful))

Simon’s brow furrowed a bit at her shaking, like he didn’t want to be woken. Which was a bit odd, but that’s truly what his body language was giving off. He didn’t necessarily seem afraid or panicked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I wish mine were like that ;-;)
Mia hesitated when she saw Simon's reactions to her attempts to wake him up. She carefully pulled her hands away, sitting up and keeping an extremely close eye on him now. The moment it seemed the dream was upsetting him, he would be woken up.


((Sorry you have to deal with that bro))

However, it continued to look like the dream wasn’t really upsetting him at all. And though he did keep crying, it wasn’t in a concerning amount. This would continue for another hour or so, when it seemed like he might be waking up soon.


Simon stirred, his eyes finally opening. He squinted a bit, his eyes adjusting to the light again. “Hey…” he sat up a bit, going to rub his eyes and a bit surprised when he found tears there. He wiped them off his face regardless.


“Pretty good actually…” He said, not mentioning anything about the tears. But if he said he slept well, it couldn’t have been that bad right? It really had been a good dream for him, he just didn’t want to go into details.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia nodded, letting out a sigh of relief.
"That's good, at least." Mia wasn't looking forward to the time when Simon would finally have a nightmare, just wanting him to be able to heal in peace.
"Good enough to try to eat..?"