forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia nodded some. She settled down on Simon's chest again, looking over as he set the timer before closer her own eyes. It made sense, and she was okay with that. She just wanted Simon to get some form of rest.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Well, if we don't wanna do the Evan in the workroom thing, we could have Astral come in and as for Mia Because I have something planned for heror have them tie into each other with Simon following Astral into the workroom to get Mia back)

Mia glanced over as well, leaning into Simon more. She was… scared, of when Astral came to confront Simon. Scared he'd go back to the way he used to be.


((Yeah if we brought Evan into the storyline even normally, Simon would then give zero fucks about Astral tbh))((Oof, we rejoining the hating Astral club then?))

Simon wasn’t sure if he was ready to confront Astral or not. He supposed he’d only know for sure when it happened. He knew that eventually, if Astral treated him kindly, he’d probably end up forgiving him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Got it, lol)(Oh don't worry, nothing will really happen to her I promise.)

It was a hard thing for the author to think about, after having such a horrible thing done and then being able to forgive the god who did it. Really, it spoke to a very abusive and toxic dynamic, even if the offending party has changed their ways. Hopefully, it would take a long, long time of being treated properly for Simon to end up forgiving Astral, and that the human would always understand what happened and why even if things were forgiven he shouldn't forget or ever truly trust Astral.


((we stan Evan too much in this household, he just deserves to be at peace))((idk if I believe you but okayyyy))

The other author can assure you that Simon will never fully trust Astral ever again, even if they did have an eternity together. The only reason Simon would forgive Astral sooner or at least pretend to is if he believed it was in his best interest. But that’s very unlikely so get ready for some slow as fuck burn. For now, Simon will remain very emotionally unstable and unresponsive to Astral.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

This is good to learn, seeing as the things Astral have done to Simon are absolutely fucked up and no one should ever think it is normal to forgive their abusers.
Speaking of the absolute piece of character trash, there was a light knock at the door.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Ahhh, okie!)

Mia shook as well, clinging to Simon now. No, no…
Astral hated to do this, but there really was something he needed to do. He took the doorknob in his hand, turning it and trying to open the door.


Simon shrunk back against the wall further, whimpering softly. ‘Please no, please no.’ He thought to himself, genuinely beginning to pray that the door wouldn’t open. He didn’t want Astral in here, the man had ruined this space enough for him. What could he possibly even want?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral heard the prayers; after all, he was Simon's only god now. He hated doing this to the man, but it was important. So, with one final twist, Astral opened the door and stepped silently inside. Mia let out a strangled sound, clutching Simon's shirt in her fists.