forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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That’s all he’d truly ever wanted. He wanted someone who wouldn’t hit him, or rape him, and wouldn’t use the words ‘I love you’ as a weapon. That’s all he’d needed. But maybe..maybe his standards were just too high.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia hesitantly rested her head on Simon's leg, holding back her tears. She mumbled a silent apology to the man, just wanting to know what she could do to help. There had to be something, something, that could help Simon know he never deserved any of this.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"He…" What could Mia say? 'Don't feel bad, he's been like this forever? You just let yourself be taken in by someone more demon than god?' No, she couldn't. There was nothing to say that would answer Simon's question.


His questions wasn’t just about Astral either. It was for all of the guys he’d been with over the years. He’d always been told what happened was his fault. So he’d kept trying to fix himself, to be better. But it kept happening, again, and again, and again. And he just couldn’t take it anymore.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Then there was Astral, who'd tried to tell Simon it was never his fault, and look where it had gotten the man. Mia was shaking some, curled up with Simon. Nothing was okay, it wouldn't be ever again, would it?


It was also the fact that Astral had made him feel disgusting in a body he’d actually liked somewhat. That Astral had helped him transition and then done this…it made him sick. It did explain why Astral had waited so long on his bottom surgery though. Because he never intended on doing it in the first place. He was practically hyperventilating now, the room around him feeling much too small.


“I-I’m f-f-fine.” He stammered out, barely loud enough to even be heard. He was having the same feeling as when he was wearing a binder for too long. Like an iron fist was squeezing his lungs and it was just so hard to inhale and exhale.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia could feel the tears welling up again, knowing Simon was lying. What should she do? Confront him about it? But what if he wasn't ready to come to terms with it yet? She trembled, still holding onto Simon as best she could.


Simon was in so much pain. And he didn’t know what to do, or how to make it stop, or if it would ever stop. Maybe he just wasn’t meant to be happy. He couldn’t stop himself from crying, right now he didn’t really want to. He just wanted to let all his pain out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I'm not crying your crying-)

Mia leaned her head on Simon's arm, letting her own tears fall silently. She was so selfish, crying now when Simon was the one who had been hurt. Not just that- she'd stayed quiet, she hadn't told Simon anything as she watched him grow closer to Astral, hadn't tried to stop him… She was a horrible person.


((for some reason I haven’t cried yet but I cried so much planning it all out before))

And it had to be today of all days when he found out…for once he thought he’d be able to stand in front of that grave tomorrow and feel like he’d made progress. That he’d done something worthwhile. But not anymore. Make no mistake, he would still be getting Astral to take him tomorrow. But after that, he’d avoid Astral like the plague.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I managed to hold off most of the crying but now it's all hitting me ;-;)

Mia slid down, huddled up against Simon's side. She had no idea Simon was going to leave for the next day, and she was expecting her and Simon to stay holed up here for as long as possible. She couldn't imagine Simon being able to go anywhere near the god for a long time.


Simon was grateful for Mia’s presence he just didn’t know how to express that right now. He’d continue to be in a state of panic full of loud sobbing and crying for maybe the next two hours. At that point his sobs would subside a bit, his mind slipping to a state of apathy, feeling nothing at all as tears continued to slide down his cheeks.


(( :) buckle up bitch, it’s about to get funky lmao))

Simon didn’t respond, he didn’t even look in her direction. He just stared at the wall, tears continuing to fall. It didn’t seem like he was feeling well enough to leave this spot. And he most likely wouldn’t be sleeping for the entire night either.


((When I said I’m giving him lots of trauma I meant lots of trauma :) ))

Simon wouldn’t do much else for the remainder of the night. Of course at some point he got cold, and of course at some point the floor became ridiculously uncomfortable but he wouldn’t go anywhere near the bed. Not now that he knew what had happened there. Also the fact that everything in that bed still smelled like Astral. The entire time, he never stopped crying. Sometimes it’d get worse, and he’d begin to break down again, and sometimes he’d steady himself back out again. But he never stopped. Finally, morning rolled around, and Simon was trying to force himself to get up.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia managed to fall into an uneasy sleep. She didn't have the stamina to stay up with Simon, but there was no way she was leaving his side until he asked her to. She kept curled up, holding weakly onto Simon's shirt. She woke up when Simon started trying to get up, rubbing her eyes and standing to try to do something to help.


Simon managed to stagger to his feet, wiping tears off his face, forcing himself to calm down and stop crying. He looked down at Mia, smiling weakly. “I-it’s okay y-you can stay here. I’ll just b-be gone f-for a bit.” He said slowly, mentally steeling himself for having to deal with Astral.


“Mhm, j-just stay here o-okay?” He said, trying to ignore how much he was shaking. He had to go out there. He had to go back down to earth today, even if for only five minutes. He took in a deep breath, releasing it slowly, and unlocked the door, opening it halfway. It was still relatively early in the morning, maybe 6:30. But it had been around that same time last night when he locked himself in Astral’s room. He had no idea where Astral was, or what the man had been up to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"O-Okay…" Mia watched Simon go, her own hands shaking some.
Astral was on the couch, eyes open and just… staring. He wasn't looking at anything, too caught up in his mind to even wipe the tear tracks away.