forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked content for now, none of his inner turmoil showing. He'd started to grow light stubble too, a golden color that matched his hair. His jaw was strong, and sharp, his nose flared just slightly as he walked. His eyes shone just a bit, the orb above his head just as brilliant. Really, there was no way he could be mistaken as a human.

Astral brought Simon into the kitchen, shifting the man to one arm as the god looked through the cabinets.
"What would you like to have?" He asked, looking down with a smile.


“You have just regular old spaghetti? Spaghetti’s always nice.” He said, looking up at Astral as he spoke. He’d almost forgotten how tall the man was considering Astral had just been carrying him around these past few days.


“Oh you have a recipe how fancy.” He teased, laughing softly as he followed Astral around the kitchen, helping him in any way he could. “I’m surprised that you do things like this, cook and everything. It seems like something a god wouldn’t need to do, you know. For a god, you just act like a normal guy most of the time.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(damn, I mean, yeah…)
(eeeeee okie! Sorry, doing dnd lol)

"Well, I do enjoy doing things like this," Astral admitted, having Simon stir the tomato paste he had added to a pot for the sauce as Astral cut peppers and tomatoes. "It keeps me humble, I suppose."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It isssssssssss. My friend and I just finished a session, and she got a wig of Karen-kind XD)

Astral moved on to mushrooms and onions before picking everything into the pot.
"Besides, it's a good thing I knew how so we'd be able to do things like this." Astral smiled, hugging Simon from behind and he stirred.


((I love how it took Astral that long to figure it out lmao like homie y’all literally cuddled on more than one occasion I think he likes it when you’re close to him.))

Simon was being very careful with what he was doing, not wanting to mess anything up on accident. So far though, he was doing a very good job, and he was proud of himself. It’d been awhile since he’d made actual food. “Hey Astral?” He said, leaning one hand up to poke the man’s cheek gently. “I think this might be done.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral leaned forward some, arms securely around Simon's waist.
"Oh! I must agree. You did amazing with this!" Astral pulled the noodles that he had in a hotel over, grabbing their plates and silverware.
"Shall we go?"


Simon blushed bright red as soon as Astral’s arms wrapped around his waist but he didn’t really mind. “T-thank you.” He said, trying to shut out the small voice in the back of his head telling him to get out of Astral’s grip as quickly as he could. “Sounds good to me.” He said, smiling softly.