forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I obviously had a good reason to it seems!" Astral laughed weakly. Anyone else would have hand their hand crushed for daring to treat him like this, but Simon could always get away with so much.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, I'm definitely going to know with that answer!" Astral laughed some, cupping Simon's head.

(a general idea would be good, I don't want our plot points conflicting lol, and I love to plan out reactions before it happens)


He giggled softly, a gentle blush forming on his face. He was just so…so happy. He felt loved and understood and appreciated and he was so scared he might lose it all at any moment. But he tried not to think about that, and just enjoyed the moment.

((Soooo basically Simon is going to visit someone’s grave. But Simon’s not going to want to tell Astral why he wants to go down to earth and even once they’re there he won’t want to let Astral come with him so the only way Astral will really find anything out is if he follows Simon or stops him from going.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral moved his hand some, cupping Simon's cheek now and gently brushing a thumb over his cheek.
"Silly man," he said softly. It was clear it was a term of endearment, just from how Astral said it.

(Astral would totally secretly follow Simon just to make sure he was okay)



His breath caught in his throat and he couldn’t help but just smile. He wouldn’t mind at all staying here forever, just in this moment for the rest of his life.

((Aww <3 he gets to see Simon crying his eyes out then <3))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


It was so easy for Astral to return the smile. He chuckled softly, moving to hug Simon gently. He didn't want to leave this moment either.

(Oh noooooo it'll be so hard for him not to reveal himself and comfort Simon)


((Also you better believe this moment will haunt Simon forever once he finds out.))

Simon wrapped his arms around Astral in return, hugging the god tightly. He plopped his head back onto Astral’s chest, letting his eyes slide shut.


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh yeah… maybe they'll be able to pull their relationship back together vvy slowly once we have the scene with Astral crying in the bathroom and it won't be so bad anymore?)

Astral smiled, holding Simon close to himself. This was what he wanted. He wanted Simon to be happy, for the two of them to be so close…


((yeah probablyyyyy hopefullyyyyy))

((He just needs to prove to Simon that he actually does care and wasn’t just manipulating him.))
((But Simon will be hurt for a vvy long time))

Simon began to hum softly, reaching up and running his fingers through Astral’s hair, just playing with it. He smiled, liking the feeling.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(It'll take a long, long time, but it can happen if Simon gives Astral the chance)
(Ofc, he's been hurt so much)

Astral looked down at Simon playing with the tips of the human's hair in turn.
"Enjoying yourself?"


((Ye ye))
((Yes the poor babi))

He looked up, giggling softly and nodding. “Mhm!” He exclaimed, very content. He pushed some more of Astral’s hair out of the way, gasping dramatically. “Astral did you know you have a forehead under all this hair?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral eventually managed to stop laughing, still smiling with a metaphorically glowing blush, ruffling Simon's hair lightly.
"Well, that was a hearty bout of laughter," the god said, chuckling again.