forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral blinked a few times at the kiss, hugging Simon and nodding.
"Okay…" He smiled some, pushing his head lightly against Simon's. The god closed his eyes, letting out a soft breath. He couldn't show Simon how this was all just making it worse.


Simon, of course not knowing that Astral was really feeling guilty over what he’d done, really was doing his best to cheer the god up. “Do you want to go do something so you won’t have to think about it?” He asked.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral relaxed, looking down at the book Simon was reading. He was glad the human wasn't pushing the subject, resting his head on the couch back with a soft sigh of content. At least, he was as content as could be at the moment, but he didn't let Simon know just how turbulent he was at the time.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let out a soft hum, a smile on his face. Why did everything have to go to hell? Why… Why couldn't he just change things, make Simon think he wasn't pregnant, or that he agreed to it?
Well, because he just couldn't do that to Simon anymore.


Simon was reading a lot slower now, his mind distracted with thoughts of his past now that he thought Astral had mentioned it. Things….really hadn’t been great for him. Like ever. It was sad but true. Things were supposed to be better when he was an adult but..that’s when all his abusive relationships ended up happening. He had been in…maybe 10 relationships or so in his life. But they sure as hell all left their different scars. He sighed softly, going back to trying to focus on his book.

((Sooooo anything else we wanna do with this particular scene? Or what should we have them go do?))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I knowwwwwwww;-;)
(Maybe one more soft scene?)
(Astral could show Simon the garden or something)
(I might also have finally figured out what Astral's job actually is and it'll scare the shiiiiiit out of Simon even when he thinks Astral is soft nice god)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Sounds good to me, I'll have Astral suggest the garden today then)
(You should be, Astral now has an excuse as to why he's such an abusive prick usually. Also you can bet Simon is the only one Astral is nice to, everyone else will still get Asstral)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Pffff, I'd love to see them try lmao no I wouldn't that would be truly horrible for them and Simon I swear don't)

Astral looked at Simon when he sighed, eyes opening with some concern. Had their discussion brought up bad memories? He could see Simon wasn't really reading anymore, so he shifted some to get the man's attention.
"Would you like to go do something else now?" the god asked. "We could always go to another room, perhaps the garden even if you wish…"


Simon smiled, still holding the book close to his chest, intending on finishing the book later when he had the time. He leaned his head on Astral’s chest, relaxing. “I didn’t know you had gardens here…” he said softly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked down at Simon, smiling some himself. He brought them back out to the hall, walking until he found the door he was looking for. He opened the door, humming as it revealed a vast, lush landscape covered in most every plant imaginable, and many that weren't.
"I actually tend to this," Astral admitted, blushing some. "It's… calming."