forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral chuckled some, nodding.
"Of course! Next stop, the library!" The god smiled some, heading down the almost maze of halls. Finally, they came to large, carved double doors, Astral opening them with one hand.
Inside was the library, as promised, massive soaring bookshelves and a fire pit to one side.


“I bet! Or at least I’d hope so considering the size of this place.” He seemed very very excited about the room. He squirmed a bit in Astral’s arms, the only reason being his enthusiasm. “Can you put me down for a sec, please?” He asked quickly, looking up at Astral hopefully.


He nodded happily, practically buzzing with excitement. He then darted around the room, stopping to look at things briefly before darting off to another corner of the room, similar to what he’d done at the zoo. He just had a child-like excitement about him.


Eventually, he saw something that he wanted to grab that was unfortunately out of his reach. He turned around, looking over at Astral, a soft pout on his face. “Could you get that for me?” He asked, pointing at the book in question.

((I love how Simon’s actually tall just not compared to Astral lol))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Mhm lol, that's what you get for living with a seven foot tall god)

"Sure thing!" Astral made his way over, reaching up to easily reach the book and offer it to Simon. He grinned, chuckling.
"Good choice," the god noted.


“Me too.” He said, leaning into the god’s side. He was so comfortable around Astral now. How much would all of their interactions change once Simon found out? It was hard to tell right now. But there was no way Simon would be cuddled into Astral’s side like how he was now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"That's perfectly fine," Astral said softly. "Do you want me to come with you, or would you like some alone time?" The god offered a smile, knowing he would be okay either way. One of the options just so happened to end with him retreating to his workroom to bawl his eyes out.