forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(hey… Just checking to see if you want in the project pm after what went down in the threads…)

It felt like someone had just shoved a stake through Astral's heart. He didn't deserve Simon's trust…
Astral stayed quiet, still managing to smile just as sweetly for the human.


((Those dot dot dots make me nervous dude. I think I know what you’re talking about but I’m not sure))

Simon smiled up at him before burying his face in Astral’s shirt, he smelled essentially exactly what you’d expect the sun god to smell like. He giggled softly, just getting comfy.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(nah, the whole sustained a bit of a bummer, and I'm figuring people will be turned off since the hype was crushed so early with the drama, I totally understand)
(and don't worry I figured lol)

Astral put his hand on top of Simon's head, smiling. He held the man close, face going back to his hair.
"I'm always gonna want to keep you safe, no matter what happens," the god murmured softly.


(( :/ that sucks dude. And thanks for asking but I’m not interested in helping out atm since I’m just really busy and I don’t think I’d actually be able to help much XD))

He nodded softly. “Thank you.” He mumbled, the sound muffled by his face still being pressed into Astral’s chest. Because of course he believed that Astral wouldn’t and hadn’t hurt him.

Deleted user

((What drama went on? I must’ve missed it :/))

(I got overzealous in defending the whole project and ended up being a teensy bit, actually apparently a lot a bit, rude.)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeah… and I totally understand that, I'm still doing the RP purge to get things off my plate ;-;)

Astral wouldn't hurt Simon, not ever again. He just… hoped, that one day Simon would forgive him. He knew it wasn't going to happen, though. Astral hugged Simon again, holding the man close protectively.


“Mhm…” he said, sounding annoyed at the fact. “It’s probably all of those sleep deprived years catching up to me. I haven’t been anywhere safe in it’s also just easier for me to sleep here.” He said, rambling a bit.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I see… well, then, perhaps we should set aside times during the day for naps." Astral's tone was a bit teasing, but he offered a smile to Simon all the same.
"We just have to make sure you don't sleep too much, that can be as bad as sleeping too little."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral rested his forehead on Simon's, smiling softly before he pulled away. He didn't want this to end, not any of it. Still, he knew the only way he could possibly keep this safe, and… he couldn't. He just couldn't… not to the child.


Simon…really had no idea what to call this. But what he did know was that he liked it. He liked that Astral wasn’t trying to pressure him into anything, and that Astral always checked to make sure that things were okay with him. The way Astral was with him right now reminded him of someone else. Someone he’d known a long time ago.