forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((but what type of tears would they beeeeeee))((isn’t a lot of what we do in this rp for the tears thoooo))

Simon liked that, it made him feel safe and cared for. He began to actually calm down, his body relaxing. He let out a soft sigh and after a few more minutes, he looked up at Astral, wiping a few stray tears off his cheeks. “S-sorry for disturbing you.” He said, his voice a little bit unsteady, but understandable. “I’m okay now.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Astral cry 'entire hopes smashed' and I cry 'I already made the child' tears XD)

"You didn't do anything wrong," Astral promised softly. He looked down at Simon, cupping the man's cheek in one hand.
"I'm just glad I could help you with that…" He kept Simon close, still worried for him. If he fell back asleep, would he have another night terror?


((hmmm well that seems like a good enough reason to not have that happen then XD))

“T-thank you..I really do appreciate it.” He looked away slightly, not pulling away from Astral’s touch, just looking anywhere but at Astral. “No one’s ever really um…helped me through them before..” So he’d been through this before, while he was with other people no less, and not one of them, not ever, had offered him any help in the slightest.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(indeed XD He's cute as fuck and too innocent to be Astral's son–)

Astral blinked some in disbelief.
"I… Well, I can promise you that no matter what, I'll always be here to help you through them. I don't want you to be in pain…" The god held Simon close, sorely tempted to touch his forehead to Simon's.


((awww, Simon will protecc him))

“Thank you….that really does mean a lot to me…” he said, burying his face in Astral’s chest again to hide how his face had turned bright red. Astral really was making this whole not falling in love with him thing difficult.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Perfect! Even if the kid will end up doing the protecting… ;D)

Astral didn't bother holding back, resting his forehead gently on Simon's head.
"It does to me too…" Astral closed his eyes, his hold tightening just slightly, nothing to be worried about. Protective. "You mean a lot to me, Simon…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Because… you're sweet, and kind, and so, so nice…" Astral kept his eyes closed.
"I-I, I see a lot of things, Simon. I know what humanity is like, what it can do. All of it. I can see you went through a lot, too, but you've still managed to stay just so, so sweet…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I really think so." Astral offered a small smile on turn, but it faultered.
"And I would bet everything that it wasn't your fault what happened." Astral ran his thumb over Simon's cheek, keeping close.


Simon buried his face into Astral’s shoulder, silently starting to cry. It had always been communicated to him, throughout his entire life, that whenever someone hurt him, it was because of some aspect of how he was. That’s one of the main reasons he’d been abused for so long. Because he believed he deserved to be treated poorly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I've got you… and I'm going to make sure your not hurt, not ever again. You deserve so much better than what you've had…" Astral put his face in Simon's hair, lip trembling just slightly.
"You're so wonderful, Simon… please, please don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral held Simon close in turn, his arms securely around the man. What- what had he done? He'd hurt Simon, hurt him so much, and the man didn't even know yet. How… how could Astral do it? How could he ever fix it?


Simon of course, still had no knowledge of this. And now that Astral had essentially validated that all the awful things he’s been through weren’t his fault, there was no telling how he’d react to hearing that Astral had hurt him too. Would he understand that Astral had been hurt so much before too and try to forgive him? Maybe. But it was more likely that he’d break down into a completely different person than he’d been before.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral knew there was almost no way Simon would ever forgive him for what he'd done. He just… he wanted to take care of Simon while the man would still let him. He held Simon close, rubbing his back.
"…Never hurt you again…" He mumbled softly, seemingly a continuation of a sentence that had trailed off in the beginning and end both.


Simon didn’t really think much of Astral’s mumbling, having not heard the full sentence. He was just content to be held in Astral’s arms and know that he wasn’t going to get hurt. He was so so tired of getting hurt. He snuggled closer to Astral, smiling happily.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I am here for this, escpecially when Astral realizes what it is)

Astral forced himself to calm down. Simon was happy for now, so Astral would be for him too.
"Should we lay down?" Astral finally asked softly. It was still late at night, but Astral didn't think it would be a good idea for Simon to sleep alone anymore for it.


((great, it’s happening now XD))

He nodded. “That sounds nice.” He mumbled. He was relieved that it seemed like Astral was going to stay. He didn’t mind in the slightest having someone to snuggle with for the night.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral nodded. In a moment, he and Simon were laying down, the covers pulled up around them. Astral still had his arms securely around Simon, curled around him a bit. Mia was laid right next to the two men, glad Simon was okay.


Simon still kept close to Astral, even though he didn’t need to, his head resting on Astral’s chest. He sighed contently, his body relaxing completely. “Goodnight everyone…” he mumbled quietly, his sentence trailing off slightly as he had already begun to drift off to sleep.