forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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He let out a small sigh as well. “Don’t worry…I won’t actually get too attached to him I was just thinking about it….” With how all his past relationships had gone, he wasn’t necessarily eager to start one in a place that he knew he couldn’t escape.

((;-; if astral and simon actually managed to get along i feel like it could work out really well))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I mean- it's a good idea!Sorry Mia you're gonna go through a lot of shit)

"Good." Mia let out a breath, shifting some. This really is teetering dangerously on the edge. If Astral found out about this… it wouldn't be good at all. The worst part was- he probably already knew.

(Yeah… like's see if we can get them to that point though lol)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah I did, actually!" Mia was glad for the subject change. "It's been a long time since I was on earth, and it was really nice." The doll smiled some at Simon, legs folded underneath herself.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(bruh why did you do that to yourself? XD)
(:0 I love it)

"If you say so… I don't wanna be in a room with it alone, though." Mia shuddered just a bit. She was too small to deal with the cat.


((Same, he’s an adorable babi))

He smiled back at her, stretching his arms out a bit before checking the time. “Jeez it’s kinda late, isn’t it? I guess I am kinda tired.” He pouted softly. Normally he’d naturally sleep around eight hours, but recently he’d been getting as much as eleven hours all at once. He didn’t like it, it made him feel like he was missing things.

((So….got anything planned for the night time?))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Ye, but it's short and sweet and then there's nothing else unless you want to do something)

Mia nodded a bit, keeping her smile up. Still, she let it fall some. She hated seeing Simon like this, to see the signs of what was happening to him while he was completely oblivious.
"Then let's go to bed, then," the woman said. She stood, moving to go back to the nightstand. She knew Simon's opinion on her sleeping in the bed with him.


((Hmmmmm I was thinking about throwing some night terrors in at some point :) ))

He nodded, pulling the covers back and beginning to get into bed before hesitating. He looked over at Mia. “You can..come in if you want. I mean I don’t have to worry about shattering you now, right?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oo, that could work! Cause, Astral's basically just gonna tuck Simon in more and say goodnight and be cute because he thinks Simon is asleep)

Mia looked over a bit surprised by his words.
"Oh!" She loved to hear that, but still… she couldn't help but feel like he didn't really want it.
"It's okay, really." She spoke softly, not really expecting much at all.


((Omg s o f t))
((But yes I’ll probably throw the night terrors in in like…the middle of the night))

“A-are you sure?” He asked. “I really don’t mind, promise.” He knew Mia felt safer when he was nearby, and he wanted his friend to be happy. And he truly didn’t mind doing that for her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(What, my torture-murder psycho can be soft when he wants to be)
(because what's better than comfort from someone who's done so many horrible things to you secretly?)

Mia hesitated a moment. By now, she was already sat on the edge of the nightstand, facing Simon.
"If you really don't mind," she said after a moment, a faint blush coming. She couldn't help but be embarrassed by this, but… Simon really did make her feel safer. She slipped back on to the bed, smiling sheepishly.
"Thank you," he said softly.


((Illegal, I’m trying to hate him))
((Hell if I know lmao))

He nodded, smiling over at her. “Of course.” Now that she had a less breakable form, he didn’t want to make her stay on the nightstand. She wasn’t just some toy for him to throw aside at the end of each day once he was done playing with her (( :) )). He leaned over, turning off the lights. “Goodnight…” He said quietly, closing his eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Too bad I'm going to make Simon like him and we're all gonna get dragged along with him)

Mia relaxed next to Simon the bed, smiling now.
"Good night," she said softly in turn. She closed her eyes, content. She wouldn't have blamed Simon if he really did think of her like that- she was, quite literally, a doll at the moment.
(Low blow dude XD)


((Dammit :’) ))

Very quickly, Simon’s breathing became more relaxed, and he had himself buried in almost a cocoon of blankets, as per usual. And while he appeared to be, he wasn’t really asleep yet.
((Just doing my job XD))