forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((OMFG SWIMMMMMM. But they gotta have their father child bond and hate Astral together ;w;)) ((haha Astral’s really gonna hate it when Simon gives him the cold shoulder for the months until he actually gives birth))

Simon smiled softly, staying a few feet behind Astral. “Aww they really seem to like you.” He observed, taking a tentative step forward and crouching down next to Astral. The cats really were beautiful.


@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Don worry we'll still have it!) (oooooo that is gonna be hard on him, and it takes a lot to say that about Ass-tral)

Astral nodded some, his eyes still on the leopard.
"They're my animal," he said, voice soft. "We all have a… connection, so to say." Astral finally glanced over at Simon, grinning.


((okie ;w;)) ((yeahhhhhh that’s part of simon 2.0))

“Oh well that makes sense then.” He said, his smile brightening when Astral turned to look at him. “They really make you happy, huh?” He said, trying to force images of his nightmare from a few nights before out of his mind

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"They do." Astral hummed a bit, looking back to the leopard on the other side of the thick glass. He'd completely forgotten what he had done to change Simon's memory into a nightmare.
"It… they're kind of like a part of me, you know? I feel more whole when I'm around them."


((Astral if you’re gonna fuck up Simon’s mind at least r e m e m b e r))

“Aw that’s nice.” He commented. The only reason he was comfortable being this close to the animals was because of the glass. Also because he wouldn’t let a nightmare ruin the leopards for him, he still thought they were beautiful.

((I’m surprised Astral doesn’t have a bunch of them roaming around the house, that definitely fits his elegant yet deadly vibe))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(If he remembered every horrible thing he did to people he'd b r e a k)

Astral nodded slightly. He turned back to the animal, tilting his head just a bit. He moved his hand down slowly, and the leopard followed, laying down. It bumped it's nose against the glass, almost seeming to be in awe.

(I- first off that's a wonderful idea, thank you for that)
(Second, there will in fact be an encounter with a leopard, just not how you're gonna expect <3)


((G O O D))

Simon laughed in mild amazement. “Wow, so do they just listen to you like…unconditionally?” He asked curiously.

((They’re just big house cats, Simon will love them until you inevitably do something mean with them ;( ))
((I am afraid))
((Oh look Astral can train le animals, he should just join the circus on top of that he’s already a clown, he’ll fit right in))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah, pretty much. It's like… I know just how to tell them to do what I want." He continued to smile some.
"I'm actually thinking of bringing some home. Perhaps someday…"

(They really would be until Astral wants to… play a game)


Simon felt a small bubble of anxiety begin to expand in his chest when Astral said so. He dismissed it as a primal instinct, shoving the feeling down. “That would be interesting.” He’d be safe as long as Astral was there. The god wouldn’t let anything happen to him, right?

((I can kind of guess what you’re suggesting and I’m already mad but haha Astral can’t seriously hurt Simon until the baby is born))
((Simon: can get literally the biggest red flag about someone “HAHA ISN’T ANXIETY A QUIRKY LITTLE THING :D”))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah, it would be." Astral looked at Simon.
"They really are harmless, with me around." He smiled softly. "They're just big, lovely fluff balls who want to cuddle."

(I- I highly doubt it XD trueee)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Honestly Astral won't try to do much at all even afterwards with them)

Astral thought a moment, tilting his head.
"Well, do you think we should take one from here? Or is there another way you would be more comfortable with?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh he ain't changing over night, he won't be just letting Simon completely off the hook)
(of course, who doesn't love a giant house cat?)

"Okay then! We can come back here after we're done walking around the zoo, then, if there's anything else you wanna see." Astral smiled, standing.


Simon occasionally stopped to make sure they were going the right way but besides that he was moving pretty fast, humming happily. He came to a stop finally in front of a water filled tank. “Sea otters!” He grinned, a little winded from the walk. He knelt down in front of the tank, his eyes wide with delight as he watched them swim around.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Are you okay?? That's– dear god)

Astral's eyes widened some when he saw the animals in the tank.
"Aww!" He said, grinning some.
"They're so adorable!" The god grinned, watching the animals in front of them.