forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let out a soft breath of content. Just knowing even as he held Simon in his arms, he was holding his child as well.
"I'm glad!" the god smiled some, lightly pulled away after a moment.


((Bruh Astral’s gonna be so upset when the kid doesn’t like him and I’m low key hyped for it.))

He smiled, letting go of Astral when the other pulled away. He liked this, being given attention, not being treated like an issue.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Me too, it would be time for father and son to team up to screw over asshole abusive god)

Astral smiled some in turn, resting against the back of the couch. By now, Mia had managed to get up to the arm of the couch, sitting there quietly. She was still a bit disturbed by how Astral had manipulated Simon, but she knew it was better than knowing the truth, so she didn't let it show.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I would too, it'd be interesting to see 'ownership' shifted from Astral to the kid)

Mia smiled in turn, relaxing into the back of the couch. Astral looked at the two a moment, smiling himself.
"So, is there anything we would like to do today?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Omg– XD)

Astral tilted his head some, thinking.
"Well, what about a day on the town? Just going out and enjoying ourselves. I still have the left over money, it could cover what we want to do."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral gave Simon's hand a gentle squeeze, leading him over to the kitchen.
"Anything in particular you'd like?" Astral smiled as he let go of Simon's hand to go over and start prepping the kitchen.