forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((o o f))((but the real question is will he mail Simon somewhere or just keep him in le box ))

“If you say so…” he didn’t really know since he’d never seen the way Astral acted with his other toys. Simon wasn’t even aware that that’s all he really was to Astral.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Nawh matey he's just putting his toy away when he isn't playing with him <3)

"Really! I don't even think he would have let me back down to earth…" Shit. Shit shit shit. Mia had no idea what Astral's explanation, if any, had been for her in turn, but she might have just fucked it up, which meant she in turn was fucked.


((look at him being organized and putting things away when he’s done with them lmao))

“Really? That sucks.” Simon replied, not seeming to think much of it. After all, Mia had originally told him that all of the stuff that happened was Astral just trying to keep them safe.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(His Mother taught him well ;D)

Mia knew Astral was listening in from the other side of the room. Hopefully nothing would happen to her for this…
"Yeah… At least he's doing this with you though, right?"


((is she his creator or is that some other asshole in his life??))

Simon smiled back down at her. He really had no idea what the rest of his life (which could quite possibly be forever) would truly be like. “Ooh this one’s cool too!” He said, moving over to another tank.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(she is! She's the one who taught him to always treat the people under your control as toys and objects <3)

Astral finally made his way over, laughing softly.
"Having fun?" He asked, looking at the same snake as Simon.


((oop yeah you’re right you’re right. That’ll actually be low key interesting to watch except for the fact that Simon will probably get hurt for no reason))

Simon nodded, quickly walking around the room and saying hello to as many snakes as he could. Quite literally…saying hello. Astral could probably hear Simon talking to them but he didn’t really mind.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh yeah for sure, this woman will not hold back. and the baby for just existing, no symbolism in that at allllll)

Astral couldn't help but chuckle a bit. Simon was just so cute. The same action made Mia saddened. Simon was just so pure…


((oop if there is it’s gonna take me awhile to figure it out and that’s on Dumb Bitch Energy™️))


After another moment, Simon ran back over. “Okay I’m all done!” He said, smiling. He’d taken a second longer at the boa constrictor tank, seeming to actually really like the huge deadly snake. But then again, Simon did have a habit of liking things usually people that ended up being deadly to him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smiled. He started out of the building, back out into the open air zoo. He hummed softly, glad for Simon's happiness. He was genuinely considering erasing Simon's memories after the birth entirely, not let him remember it was his child too.


((Astral the ass everyone))
((watch Simon have that like….magical parent senses tho, and he’d low key figure it out. Plus the kid will look half like him.))

Simon would stay at Astral’s side, enjoying the gentle breeze and the sun on his face. It was understandable why Astral would want to preserve Simon’s happiness, he just had this whole different air around him when he smiled.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee that'll be so much fun!)

Astral closed his eyes a moment. He loved the sunlight, and not just because he was the god of the sun. It was nice, seeing how much people enjoy it. How much went on during it, too, despite the stories of how everything horrible happened in the dark.

(But being nice is haaaaaaard)


((I stg Swim if you’re gonna make him have a child don’t take it away from him lmao))

Simon tugged Astral along if the god ever slowed down, seeming eager as always. So at this rate it only took them a few minutes to reach the big cat area.

((disappointed gay sigh someone send Astral to therapy))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(toooooooo late Astral likes Simon being happy too much and he knows the birth would destroy that)

Astral grinned some when they finally came to the big cats, and now it was his turn to lead Simon over to the leopards. He knelt down by the glass, smiling softly. One of the cats came over, despite how little they did so. Astral put his hand up to the glass, smiling still.
"You're so beautiful," he said, such a sweet tone to his voice.

(Disappointed gay banging my head on the wall He'd probably kill the therapist)