forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Astral grinned some.
"Sounds like a plan. I personally want to make sure we stop by to see the leopards." Astral hummed, going through the increasing throngs of people until they got to one of the ticket booths.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oh n o)

Astral pulled out the money he needed, and soon he and Simon were inside. Mia was staying still now. There were too many people watching.
"So, which section he p shall we go to first?"


((I mean he’ll be better because of it but the process to get there is gonna be painful))

“Umm…I guess we can just start with whichever section’s closest. We have a handful of hours until the zoo closes, right?” He offered.


((A boa constrictor is a thing Astral should never ever be in possession of omg-))

Simon made his way around the room rather quickly, smiling at all the small snakes. “Do you like snakes?” He asked Mia after he did a quick check to make sure no one was near enough to hear.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(He's claustrophobic, you say?)
(P e r f e c t)
(I have exactly the situation for this)

Mia thought a moment, then nodded some.
"Not all of them, but I do like the non venomous ones." The doll spoke softly, so careful not to get caught by someone.
(Also yeah just never let his use any dangerous animal in general lol)


((I hate that you do ;w;))
((Also Yes one of Simon’s boyfriend’s would lock him in a closet whenever he got mad oop))

“That makes sense. I think they’re all just cute little noodles. I wanna boop all of them.” He smiled. “Like this little fella, he’s adorable!” He exclaimed softly, moving over to one of the tanks.
((Never let Astral have anything honestly))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(it's gonna be worse than a closet, dun worry(or worry a lot because Simon's gonna go through hell with this <3))

Mia nodded some.
"So cute…" She grinned, leaning into Simon's hands a bit.
"Do you think Astral would let you get one?"
(Never let Astral have anyone, either)


((I am very much worried now D:))

“Hmmmm maybe! We won’t know until we ask right?” But then again he felt like he was already bothering Astral with so much stuff and he didn’t want to annoy the other. “It’s okay though, it’s not like I really need one.” However, Simon had to admit that he would’ve liked it.
((Just put Astral into solitary confinement forever))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(one word– box)

"Well, Astral is really fond of you. I'm sure he'll be okay with it!" Mia smiled a bit.
"He's done a lot for you that he usually doesn't…"

(Just- just lock Astral up under the bed like the monster he is Just like Simon will be <3 )