forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Indeed, it does. Still, it is much nicer than other things I've seen people take up as hobbies." Astral looked around a moment, finally bending down with Simon tucked securely in one arm. The god picked a delicate, almost crystal clear, almost glass rose, offering it to Simon.


((Okay but I love how Astral’s well…an asshole to literally everyone else. And then around Simon now he’s just s o f t. Like no one would believe Simon if he said so.))

Simon liked seeing Astral look so carefree, especially considering how worried he’d looked earlier. He let out a content sigh, just enjoying the moment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(They'll all thing Astral brainwashed him or something lol)
(Simon is the only soft relationship he has XD)

Astral looked around, smiling. He started to walk slowly through the garden, Simon held securely in his hold. He really was so content…


((Yeah probably until Simon like actually talks back to Astral in public and there’s like no consequences and everyone else is just like “w h a t”))
((Yay I feel special lmao))

Simon looked at all the plants they passed by, occasionally having Astral stop and ask him what a certain one was. After a while he asked, “how do they even like…live in here?”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(y e s)
(Good lol)

"Well," Astral said, "I can alter the amount of sunlight each plant gets individually, and since this is here in my domain I'm able to control the temperature too, and most every variable. There also a stream that runs underground that waters all of this, which had an above ground part, somewhere… Though, I must warn you it isn't normal water, and it would be very bad if you touched it." Astral hummed some. He was glad to explain everything Simon asked about, getting the future out of his mind for now.


((I’m living for that moment now lol))
(( :D lol))

“Oh yeah…that makes sense.” He did get a bit confused and curious though, when Astral mentioned the water. “Why? What would happen?” He asked, his brow furrowing a bit as his mind was trying to figure it out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well…" This was a delicate subject, that Astral couldn't just explain outright. "It's a special water. It runs through the domains of all the gods, actually. Kind of a tie between them. It… has the ability to separate a soul from a body, permanently…"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Well, the main purpose of the gods in general really has nothing to do with the sun, or the moon or anything like that. Sure, we have control over our things, but our real jobs are to do different aspects of the rebirth cycle. The permanent separate of soul and body is a part of that, but the water goes through all gods' domains just in case a soul needs to be placed in it." Astral offered a small smile once he was done.
"It's really a very important thing, but it can be very bad if a mortal accidently touches it."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral held Simon close, offering a small smile in turn.
"Thankfully it's really easy to avoid. I… well, I worry about you, and I'm glad this is something that would be really hard for you to accidently do something with."


He nodded. “That’s good.” Simon was grateful that Astral really did seem like wanted to take care of him. He snuggled closer into Astral’s chest, his smile widening. He really did like it…having someone genuinely take care of him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral's own smile grew, and he held Simon close. He did, he did want to take care of Simon. Even… even if he'd already fucked up his chances to. The god made his way through the garden with Simon in his arms, pausing and letting out a breath when he spotted one flower in particular. What was that one doing here..? Wasn't Marcos in charge of watching them?