forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral hummed some as he served Simon, sitting next to him.
"Well, let's dig in!" Astral took a bite, humming again.
"It's amazing! You did a great job, Simon." The god smiled at the human, hand going to his shoulder.


Simon’s blush brightened back up again. “T-Thank you. It wouldn’t have been this good without your help though.” He said, smiling over at the god before taking a bite of his food. He was so happy with this domestic little life they were leading. He never thought he’d be so happy over so many little, seemingly meaningless everyday things but here they were.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh nuuuuu ;-;)

"Well, then, it seems we'll just have to do this together more often!" For as long as Simon didn't know what had happened, Astral would keep doing everything he could to make the man happy. If it made Simon smile, he'd do it. He owed the man that much.


He nodded. “I’d really like that.” He said, smiling sheepishly over at the god before returning his eyes to his plate, humming happily as he ate. He continued his trend of the past few days, eating what was actually considered a healthy amount.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Astral smiled back, turning to his own food. He was glad Simon was eating enough, for both him and the baby. When… when Simon did finally figure it out, would he go back to how he was? The thought terrified Astral on the inside.


((:0 THANK YOU!!!))

Simon ate his food in content silence, besides his humming, he ended up not really saying much of anything. He was comfortable enough with Astral to where he didn’t feel like he needed to talk all the time. But of course, if Astral said anything, he’d be perfectly happy to chat.


“Mhm..” Simon said, adding on a small nod in agreement. “Here, I’ll get the plates.” Simon offered, having finished everything on his plate by that point. He stood up, taking both of their dishes to the sink before the god could protest. He turned on the faucet, rolling up his sleeves to wash the dishes, exposing a few of the many scars on his forearms. Astral had probably seen them during the ah…incident. But it was unlikely that the god had cared whatsoever about them at that point in time.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I can-" Astral huffed slightly when he saw Simon was already in the kitchen, getting up to go help.
"Here, I'm gonna help you at least!" The god smiled some, moving over to stand next to Simon and dry the dishes. He glanced at the scars, not saying a word. Scars always had stories to them, but he wasn't going to ask.


Simon giggled softly, flicking some water at him. “Fine, do what you want.” Simon didn’t seem to be bothered by the scars. Or at the very least, he didn’t think too much of them anymore. They all looked relatively old, or at least the ones right on his forearm did. But despite how they’d faded with time, there was no mistaking them as self-harm cuts.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(oh nuuuu)

Astral chuckled, wiping the water away.
"Well, it's more time to spend with you, after all." The god blushed faintly, continuing with their work. He… Well, he was terrified that one day soon there would be new cuts.


He blushed himself, looking over at Astral. Was the god…blushing? ‘No way no way no way you’re being crazy!’ He persuaded himself. He quickly blinked, looking away from where he’d practically been staring at Astral, finishing washing the dishes off. “U-uh yeah I like spending time with you too..”


((And then he just..mOvEs oN. Astral my dude you’re killing me here))

Simon hugged the god back, timidly hiding his blushing face in Astral’s chest. Astral probably just didn’t know what he made it sound like when he said things like that. ‘Yeah…That’s probably it.’ Simon told himself.

((the way Simon doesn’t even entertain the fact that Astral could like him lmao))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I mean, we already know what happens when he isn't trying to be subtle…)

Astral raised one hand to rest on Simon's head, pulling the man just a bit closer.
"I'd love to keep spending time with you like this, you know…" The god smiled gently.


((oof :’) ))

“Well who says you can’t?” He countered, looking up at Astral, his blush having subsided at least a little. “I mean I don’t think I’m going anywhere, unless you want me to. So why wouldn’t we be able to spend more time like this?”


“Well maybe we should do more together.” He said, still keeping his arms wrapped around Astral, smiling up at the man. “I like hanging out with you. You’re almost just like a normal person. If there even are normal people. I wouldn’t know.” He chuckled softly.