forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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((How is youuuuuu))

“Trust me, it’s honestly not the weirdest thing I’ve ever had to look past. Plus, knowing you’re a god is almost comforting in a weird way.” He said, smiling up at the god, blushing softly at the look in the man’s eyes. Because he could tell how much Astral cared about him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(my (15yr old) brother pelted me with fistfuls of rocks from the driveway and my mother acted like it was nothing and I was overreacting : )

Astral smiled softly, a blush coming to his own eyes.
"I'm glad you feel that way…" Astral held Simon close, his hand going up to Simon's hair to lightly play with it.


((Well that’s very much not cash money :/
Sorry to hear that dude))

Simon giggled softly, leaning into Astral’s hand. He let out a content sigh. He didn’t even really bother trying to figure out to what extent his feelings for Astral were. He was happy. And that’s what was important, right?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Yeah, thanks)

Astral really was glad Simon could be happy in this moment. He hugged Simon close, his fingers through Simon's hair as he leaned his head down a bit He… he didn't want it to end. He was genuinely… considering taking away the thing he knew was going to take this all away. He'd be willing to get rid of the child, but… he needed time to come to terms with it, and he didn't have that.
"Mm… want some dessert?" The god laughed softly, smiling.


Simon nodded. “That would be great.” He said, letting go of Astral, figuring he would probably need to move around more freely now. “Do you need any help or should I just go sit down somewhere?” He asked, looking up at the god, tucking his hands into the front pocket of his hoodie.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Here, go ahead and sit down. This shouldn't take long at all. Would you prefer something cold, or something hot?" Astral turned back to go into the kitchen, humming as he started looking through the desserts he had already for them.


“Mmmm…something hot please!” He said, going and sitting back down at the kitchen counter so he wouldn’t be too far from Astral, watching to see what the other would make them. And maybe just watching Astral too, but of course we’re not gonna talk about that.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Okay then! Here, how does a molten lava cake sound?" Astral smiled some as he began, mostly just getting the dessert put together with the premade materials. Really, he could make most anything if Simon asked him to. The god glanced over at the human, smiling.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Oh geez–)
(Like, scale of one to ten, how much less bad would it be if Astral like, broke and confessed everything while sobbing, because he's really moving towards that lol)

"Yeah I can!" Astral grinned, looking over at Simon as he began his work.
"Chocolate or caramel, hm?"


((Mmmm Simon would be overwhelmed for sure but he’d definitely be more open to seeing that Astral is telling the truth about regretting what he did.))

“Hmm…caramel!” He said, leaning forward a bit on the counter so he could watch the god as he worked. “I guess when you’re immortal you have plenty of time to master these things but it’s still so cool that you just know how to do this!”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Mm… cause honestly, I feel like they aren't getting out of this day without Astral just breaking down while hugging Simon and apologizing over and over o.oand no, I'm totally not crying thinking about it—)

"Caramel it is then!" Astral started working, plastering a grin on. No, no, don't think about that right now, Simon is so happy, don't do it-
"Well, I'm glad you think so! I do have quite a lot of time on my hands in the long run, and it's fun."


((Oof o-o don’t worry I cry over this rp ummm too much))

“It seems fun.” He commented, a soft smile on his face as he watched Astral. After a few minutes he rested his head on the counter, still watching the other. “Does it ever get lonely?” He asked, his smile fading a bit. “Knowing that you’re gonna live forever?”

((either way Simon’s gonna be crying his eyes out at a graveyard tomorrow, it’s just a matter of whether or not he’s on speaking terms with Astral :’) ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I feel like a lot of people do lol, it's a very sad thing)

Astral paused a moment as he baked, then nodded his head.
"Sometimes, yes," the god said. His voice was more subdued now, less chipper. Simon wouldn't know this was because of the child, of course, because Astral had a feeling they would be able to live forever as well.
"But I'm glad I'm able to spend this time with you."

(Oh yeah- but then Astral will actually have something holding him back from going to comfort Simon ;-;)


((Yeahhhh f for the boiz))

“Yeah me too….” he replied, of course not going to be able to know the true reason behind Astral’s sadness. A thought popped up to the front of his mind, something he’d just kind of pushed off in his mind. “H-Hey Astral? What’s going to happen to me? Like over time I mean..”

((yepppppp :’) ))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral paused fully for a moment, turning to Simon.
"Well… in the end, it will be your choice, really." Astral slipped the cupcakes into the oven, going to sit with Simon.
"I don't think i-it would be safe for you to go back to Earth… but you'd probably end up living for quite a long time here. Then… well, there are different things you could chose w-when it's time to… you know…"


“So I am going to still die then?” He didn’t know what this information really meant to him. It wasn’t like he’d ever wanted to live that long anyway but the thought of leaving Astral behind just….bothered him. “Hm..”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes. One day, you will die. It'll be less permanent than you might think, though…" Astral offered a weak smile.
"You'd have different options. Rebirth, getting a new body, perhaps even just remaining as a soul…"


He smiled back at the other. “Well good thing I don’t have to think about it for a long time then, hm?” He said, trying to cheer Astral up. He himself wasn’t even sure, as of right now, what he’d choose for himself after he died.


His brow furrowed slightly, concerned by the way Astral was acting. He silently wrapped his arms around the other man, hugging him tightly.

((also I randomly remembered that they still have Simon’s ex boyfriend locked up in Astral’s workshop lmao))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral wrapped his arms Simon in turn, biting his lip. No, no, don't, d-don't cry… Astral couldn't help it as the tears fell, and he held Simon so close to himself.
"I-I'm so s-sorry…" The god whispered silently into Simon's hair.

(oop, I forgot too lol-)


“Astral? Is something wrong?” He asked. He hadn’t heard what the god had said but he could just tell that something was off with Astral. It worried him, but of course he had no idea that it had anything to do with him.

((lmao he’s just in there not vibing whatsoever))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"'M, 'm so s-sorry, Si-imon…" Astral held Simon close to himself, trembling some. "I-I fucked up, I f-fucked up S-simon…" Astral was slowly descending into sobs, holding the human close.

(Oh he's probably still in extreme pain lol)