forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay.” He said soothingly, sitting up, taking the god’s face in both his hands, gently rubbing his thumb across his cheeks. “What’s wrong? What are you talking about?”

((good, we don’t stan him in this household))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


"N-No, no, i– it's not, S-Simon…" Astral kept sobbing pulling away from Simon's hands some. "I-I, I hurt y-you, I hurt you S-imon..T-They we-eren't d-dreams…" Astral couldn't stop the sobs racking his body, almost falling to his knees.

(he's the asshole who doesn't get a redemption arc lol)



“A-Astral? I don’t understand, what are you talking about?” He had an idea but….that couldn’t have really been Astral right? T-there was no way. He’d been so kind and, and….Simon had just believed all of it.

((no redemption arc for angry drunk southern redneck man))



He let go of Astral, his hands falling to his side. “A-Astral..” he said, trying not to cry. He tried to find the words, his mouth opening and closing silently.

((I mean….yeah))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


"I-I'm s-sorry, I'm so-o sorry…" Astral did fall to his knees now, his head still so low. He didn't expect Simon to forgive him, not ever, but he couldn't help but say the words.

(laughs in living there)


“Y-you said-“ he stopped mid sentence, having to hold in either a scream or a sob. “You s-said there was always another way..” he whispered, referencing their conversation from after Simon’s night terror. “W-why…” ’Why would you lie to me like that’. That had truthfully been the only way he’d kept himself together all these years, is by convincing himself that it was all his fault. So for Astral to counter that logic, and then hurt him as well…that would shatter him.

((big oof dude, I live in Texas so like same thing lol))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I-I k-know… I-I know, a-and it's still true, S-simon…" Astral was still trying not to break down so much he couldn't talk. He… he had to explain himself, to make sure Simon didn't try to blame it on himself.
I-I– I'm a h-horrible person, S-Simon. Don't– don't w-waste your time o-on me anymore, p-please…" He still hadn't told Simon about… about the child.

(Oh no… hey I have step cousins who live down there, they don't like my part of the family ;w;)


He shook his head, wrapping his arms around himself. He’d heard this whole routine a million times before. It was all lies. He…he didn’t know what to believe.

((Oop that’s an f))
((Yeah it’s gonna get a lot worse ;w;))


“W-What did you do?” He asked, not seeing any way that this could get worse unless..his face paled, the thought hitting him. He…he hadn’t been on birth control ever since he’d been here… “A-Astral..y-you didn’t..” He was unable to say anymore, trying to force down the panic that was clawing it’s way up his throat.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral didn't say a word, that enough to give Simon an answer. His head fell lower, hands clenching some as tears fell onto them. His shoulders were shaking, too, because to get the only thing he'd ever truly wanted, he gave up the only person he'd ever truly cared about…


Simon started trembling, the tears finally coming. ‘No…there’s no way…this can’t be happening.’ His whole life he’d tried his hardest to avoid this from happening, and now that it had…he was trapped with Astral for sure.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral didn't try to say anything now, didn't try to do anything to help. How could he? How could he try to comfort Simon after what he did to the human? This was why he didn't want to tell Simon, this was why he'd done what he could, been preparing himself to do even more, so that Simon would never have to live through this…


Simon got down from the chair, not able to stay in the room with Astral anymore. He quickly made his way out of the kitchen. As he passed through the living room, it almost felt like the trinkets were laughing at him. He broke into what was almost a run, making it the rest of the way to what had become his room, closing and locking the door behind him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Me:… fuck what's the other character's name frantic back-paging)

Mia looked up when Simon came bursting into the room, her fake smile dropping.
"S-Simon…" The woman teared up some, standing on the bed with shaky legs. She felt horrible, because she couldn't tell him before, and now he was just so… lost.



Simon didn’t even acknowledge her, too overwhelmed. He slid down to the floor, beginning to sob uncontrollably. He had run out of chances. He’d trusted Astral and now his life was over. He’d never be able to leave. He’d never get that chance to really feel loved.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia didn't say anything now, climbing off the bed with shaky hands. No, no, Simon couldn't give up now. There- there had to be something left for him… The doll made her way over silently, going to her own knees by his feet.