forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let out a sigh of relief. He pulled up the phonebook- it wasn't hard to find the man's info, seeing as he seemed to be the only one trying to contact Simon constantly. He hesitated a moment, then clicked on one of the voicemails to listen to. He held the phone up to his ear.


It was one of the earlier voicemails, about 15 hours after Simon had left with Astral. “Dammit Simon what have I told you about leaving the apartment without permission?! You remember what happened last time you left, don’t you? This time I’m going to break every bone in your god damn body. And if something happens before I get to you, just know that you deserve it you whore.” The man in the voicemail was pretty much yelling into the phone.

((Why’d I cringe at this more than anything tho oof))


(uhhhh yikes this is going to be scary)

(also why does my cell service disappear when I go in my basement, yet Simon still has cell service while on the fucking sun? What cell provider is he with lmao)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(And definitely not T-Maybe)

Astral was scowling when the message first played, but by the time it ended he was outraged. He pulled he phone away from his ear, looking through it to find any idea of where this man lived. There was no way he was getting away with this.


((T-Maybe lmaooo))

After a bit of looking, Astral would find an app kinda like Life360, to where you can see where people were at any given moment. There was only one other device listed on it besides Simon’s, the boyfriend’s.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smirked a touch.
"Gotcha, fucker," he mumbled under his breath. He waited a moment, then focused. He disappeared, phone in hand, finally reappearing in front of the building the man was in. He was hidden under a human veil, of course. He headed inside, ready to kidnap an abusive prick.


((10/10 just reusing an abusive guy that I made for another rp.))

It was an apartment building, a pretty shabby one too. The man Astral was looking for was on the second floor, Nathan Haddox. The apartment he was in was poorly lit, and the air reeked of alcohol, the remains of which could be seen in the empty bottles littering the floor. Normally, Simon was there to clean it up. Simon did most of everything there honestly. But Nathan was the one who made the money, and to him that was what mattered, and because of that, he thought he should be able to do whatever he wanted to Simon. So when Simon had left the apartment without asking him, Nathan was pissed. Now he was just waiting for the brat to come back so he could tear him to pieces. Even after nearly 72 hours, he hadn’t bothered filing a missing person’s report. “He’ll come back….he always comes back..” he grumbled under his breath, taking another swing of his beer.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(10/10 already want to getting his bones to dust :) )

Astral made his way up, finally coming to the door. He closed his eyes a moment, making sure the man was alone, before opening the door easily. He kept silent, closing the door behind him. Once it was, he let his facade drop, revealing his God status as he made his way towards the man.


(( :) ))

At hearing the door open, he automatically assumed it was going to be Simon. He turned, preparing to yell at the man for the next few hours. He was not at all expecting to see Astral, his surprise turning to complete shock when Astral let the facade drop. He almost fell off the couch. “W-What the Hell…Who are you?!” He said, his surprise quickly turning into anger.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral towered over the man, glaring down at him.
"I'm Simon's new owner," he growled. He grabbed the man by his hair, dragging him down to his knees at Astral's feet. He forced the man to look know in the eyes. The God's were too bright, it quickly became like staring into the sun.
"And I'm going to punish you for what you did to my toy."


((Dang Simon’s really just trying to have a not toxic relationship and the universe is like “no❤️“))

“So you’re who that little slut ran off to.” He chuckled softly, not actually sounding amused in the slightest. His whole cocky act faded a bit when Astral forced him to stare into his eyes. He flinched, quickly trying to look away.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(The poor bby ;_;)

Astral's grip tightened on the man, his other hand grabbing his chin. Astral leaned in so their noses were almost touching. There was no escape.
"You're never going to see him again," Astral growled. "But he'll get to hear you scream…"


Unfortunately, Simon had begun to wake up, having slept long enough to be well rested, he’d slowly woken up naturally, which surprised him. He thought Astral would’ve come to wake him up by now. ‘Where is he?’ He thought to himself, but still not being fully awake, he’d decided not to worry about it. That is until he heard the door for the work room opening. “Astral?” He called out loudly, beginning to get out of bed and go look for the other.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was strapping the unconscious man to a chair, in the middle of waking him up when Simon called out. He let the man in whatever state of consciousness he was currently in, going out of the room to check on Simon.
"Yes?" He asked, opening the door and leaning against the frame.