forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Years and years of dissecting the human body had given Astral quite the experience with it. He knew just where to cut, all the little intricacies that would make or break this operation. He was quiet as he worked, knowing he wasn't doing this how a human doctor would. He took the breast completely off, leaving the flesh underneath exposed a moment.


Simon winced as the scalpel dug into his skin. He let out a few cries of pain here and there but he was doing his best to stay quiet and stay still, not wanting to distract Astral. This of course resulted in a large amount of blood in his mouth from biting down on his lip.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smiled in turn. He patted Simon's cheek lightly, setting the pan down by Simon's head. He brushed the hair out of the man's face again, then moved so he could start removing the second breast.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Finally, finally Astral had both breasts off. Now, he had to reconstruct Simon's chest, not going to leave him with two gaping holes in his skin. He took the skin from the breasts, grafting it back on, using his powers to help it heal. It wasn't long before Simon was sat there, flat chested, without a single scar to be seen.
"That's all we can do for the night," Astral said softly. "Your body couldn't take both surgeries at once." Astral helped Simon sit up, the breasts discarded on a table.
"How does it feel?" He held up a mirror for Simon to be able to see just how… masculine he looked now.


((don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry f u c k))

He nodded, a little disappointed but of course that made sense. When he sat up, there was barely any pain left. When he saw himself in the mirror, he looked like he might cry tears of joy. Overwhelmed with emotion, he leaned over, hugging Astral tightly.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Honestly yes I cannot physically bring myself to type any words that would take this away from Simon, so this if officially permanent. Dear god Astral's an ass but he can do nice things while trying to be-)

Astral was a bit surprised by the hug. He patted Simon's back lightly, though, wrapping his arms around Simon in turn.
"We can do the second one in a few days," he said softly. If he remembered to. If Simon didn't think this was a dream.


((Yayyyyy lol))

He pulled away when Astral spoke, looking up at him and nodding, his eyes most definitely full of tears now. Simon still had that lurking fear that this might just be a dream. He didn’t know what he’d do if it was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral cupped Simon's cheeks, smiling down at him.
"Is this real?" he asked softly. "Do you think it is?" He still kept close to Simon, pulling one hand away to offer his shirt. If he thought it was, the changes could stay. If not… Well, then they'd get to do this again.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smiled a bit. He kind of liked this, actually. He got to hurt Simon, and Simon could remember it, but Simon would see it as something good. Astral could literally wave a hand and do what he had just done, but Simon didn't know that.
"You're welcome," he said softly. He pulled one hand away, offering it to Simon to help him up.


Simon took his offered hand, still smiling, the happiest he’d been in maybe his entire life. He just hoped it lasted, and that things wouldn’t get too terrible after this. Even if they did, Simon doubted he’d ever try and run away now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral stood there for a moment, Simon's hand in his. He hugged Simon again, then started off, leading Simon back to the bedroom.
"I don't think you need that binder anymore," Astral said softly once they were in it. "Is it alright if we throw it away?"


He hesitated. He’d had it for so long that it felt almost wrong to part with it. “I guess I don’t need it anymore…” he looked up at Astral “and this is going to be permanent…right?” He didn’t want to get rid of his binder only for his breasts to come back. “Either way..I don’t think I’m ready to let go of it yet. But I won’t wear it anymore.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes, it's permanent." Unless Astral didn't want it to be, but at the moment he did, so it was. He lightly placed his hand back on Simon's shoulder.
"Alright, then. I won't try to take it." Astral smiled just a touch. It was late, late into the night by now. The trinket was still exactly where Simon had left it- and was surprised to see Astral acting like this with Simon.


“Goodnight..” he replied equally as softly. For some reason it felt like he was saying goodbye, as if Astral would be going away for a long time, or at least this version of him. It made him sad, in a way. He’d liked seeing Astral like this. Even though Astral was normally nice to him, this a time had been…different.


“Hm?” He asked, turning around. He’d almost forgotten about the trinket entirely. “Oh, I don’t know. He’s normally nice but..not this nice. I mean he did drug me..but it’s okay!” He knew he was kind of rambling and not making sense but he didn’t care.