forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral accepted the brush, putting it in the drawer. The movement rattled the trinket, and for a moment it would seem like they would loose their balance and fall- but they didn't, thankfully, settling back in their spot.
"Okay," Astral said, unconcerned by what had just happened. "I'll go whip something up, then." Whip… Astral could probably use one later. Ah, the best ideas were always the ones that came naturally like this.


“Okay! I’ll be out in just a second.” He said happily. He waited for Astral to leave before he gently picked up the trinket. “Are you okay?” He asked them softly. He’d noticed how the earlier movement had caused it to nearly fall but he’d pretended not to.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I… It would be nice, but… I don't know if there is anywhere were you could. They definitely wouldn't want to bother Simon by asking to stay with him, and they couldn't really think of anywhere were Astral wouldn't do something that might hurt them.


“Well how about I just leave you in here for now, I don’t think Astral will be coming in here anymore today anyway. And he probably won’t break you on purpose unless I do something to upset him so you should be okay.” He offered.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral continued to hum as he finished up the french toast in the pan he was making. He slid it out of the pan, smiling. He had to admit, he enjoyed doing this to Simon- kind to him in the day, and his greatest torment at night. It was… new, and Astral enjoyed it. It reminded him of what happened with his boyfriend. He set the plates down, sitting.


((Well now I wanna know that whole story))

He smiled softly. “Thank you.” He said, beginning to eat. The longer he stayed here, the less he wanted to go back. It was more than a little bit strange, and he hated himself for being this easily won over but…Astral made him feel like he wasn’t a burden. That wasn’t something a lot of people in his life did for him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(Don't worry, he'll be showing up soon :)

Astral ate quietly for a moment, content for now. Eventually, though he looked up.
"When I came to wake you up," Astral said, "I saw your phone was going off. Is it alright if I ask who it is?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral lightly set his fork down when he realized what was causing the drop in Simon's mood.
"I see," he said softly. On the outside, he was concerned- on the inside, he was enraged. No, no- he was the only one who got to hurt Simon. He'd torture and kill anyone who tried it. Astral slowly started getting an idea… but that was for tonight.
"I'm sorry for bringing it up, then."


He shook his head. “It’s okay. I am staying in your home so you have a right to know what’s going on.” He looked up at Astral, offering a weak smile. He had no idea what Astral had planned, but if he did…who knows if Simon would actually even try to stop him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let out a soft breath.
"So long as you're safe from him." He offered just a faint smile. He knew exactly what he wanted to do now, and he'd need Simon's help for it. It would also mean he'd need to know more about the relationship between the two, but for now Astral let it drop.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Still, the god hugged Simon once.
"Still," he said softly, pulling away. "I should recognize when something would upset you. I don't like seeing you like this." He was supposed to feel like that after what Astral did, not because of memories of what someone else had.


He blushed softly, looking down at the counter. “That’s very thoughtful of you…thank you.” He didn’t understand how or why Astral was so kind to him. Especially when Astral hadn’t asked for anything yet in return.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral wasn't going to ask anything of Simon, not during the day- he wanted Simon to think he was just being kind, not toying with him. He had no idea what he and the trinket had talked about, after all. He didn't know Simon would theoretically be okay with whatever Astral put him through. He hugged Simon one more time.
"I'm going to be in my workroom," Astral said softly. "But if you need me for anything don't hesitate to come in." Today, he'd be perfectly fine with Simon coming in- there would only be a short moment when he wouldn't be there, when he was getting the other man…