forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Really?” He didn’t think about it too much, his mind already on to the next question. He felt himself getting excited all over again. “Ooh! Look, look!” He took his shirt back off, actually happy to do so. “I’m all flat now!”


He nodded, beaming. “And I mean, he hasn’t asked me for anything in return yet but if he does, I’ll be happy to give it to him, no matter what it is.” All his words kind of came out in a hurry. He went over to the bed, flopping down onto it. That was one thing he’d have to get used to now, not feeling that jiggle whenever he sat down, even with his binder it had never gone away completely.


“Oh shoot, sorry!” He said, picking up the trinket. He nodded. “Yeah anything I think…” he knew that was stupid, but he still said it anyway. “Astral’s done more for me then anyone else has done for me in my entire life. Even with people that I’ve been in relationships with, people have publicly misgendered me and harassed me in front of them all, and they never did a thing about it, never corrected them, never stood up for me.” It made him sad to think about. “So I don’t care what Astral will want in return, I owe him a lot.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

The trinket let out a soft breath of relief when they were picked up.
I… he will demand a lot of you, They finally warned. But if it really does mean this much to you… I have a feeling he'll still treat you kindly in this manner, even if it is only just this one way. Astral would need something to hold over Simon's head, after all.


“I figured he would, but that’s okay. If that’s the only way I’ll be able to repay him for this, then so be it.” Knowing that he was pretty much homeless, he’d just accepted that he’d never have enough money to ever get top surgery. So being able to be given this sensation of freedom and comfort meant a lot to him.


Simon closed his eyes, leaning over and turning off the lights. He felt safer knowing that the trinket was there, it was sort of a friend to him now, at least he thought so. He didn’t have time to think anymore as he felt himself drift off.

((Time skip??))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Astral woke up relatively early, considering how late they were both up; he was used to it, after all. He hummed softly, making his way towards the bedroom to check on Simon. He knocked once, then let himself in.
"Good morning," he said softly, going to wake the other man.


Simon was still fast asleep, the only part of him that was really visible being his hair. However, on the nightstand, his phone was buzzing, it was on vibrate so it wouldn’t inevitably end up waking Simon up. The phone stopped buzzing, a notification on the screen saying that he now had 15 missed calls, all of them from the same person.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral smiled some when he saw hw Simon was sleeping. He was about to shake the man lightly awake, but he was stopped by the phone buzzing.
First off, how did this man's phone have service? Astral raised an eyebrow, picking the phone up to look at it. Who was this person trying to call his toy? They were insistent, it seemed, but it was too late now. Simon was his. Astral set the phone down, letting out a soft sigh. He sat down on the bed, lightly placing his hand on Simon's shoulder.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral nodded some, smiling a bit. He held back a laugh when Simon got his hand stuck in his hair, pulling open the drawer to the bedside table to pull out a brush. He offered it to Simon.
"I think this might hurt less then your fingers," he said.