forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Emile let his mind drift as he drew, momentarily letting himself think about his worries. After all, there were plenty of them. If he’d be able to get out of here like the way Astral had promised. Or if, even if he was freed, would Astral completely leave him alone? He couldn’t risk Astral hurting anyone else in his family. And Simon…would Simon be okay? Emile had had some issues keeping him calm last night. He hoped that wouldn’t affect Simon at all as he woke up and continued on with his day.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily hummed some as she drew, falling quiet afterward. She'd never thought she'd be able to do something like this again, so it was nice… She was glad Astral had given her to Mr. Emile, he was nice. He didn't hurt her. He was a lot nicer than Astral… she wasn't sure why they were friends, but it was okay. This was better than when Astral sent her to Derlik… That was a long time ago, though. Derlik had seemed… different.


Emile was just hoping that Astral wouldn’t remember that this whole deal they’d worked out was only temporary. He was hoping that he would be able to leave this stupid place with her. He didn’t have any real plan about how that would happen but he’d figure it out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily had no idea there was a high likelihood that if Astral found her with Emile she would be taken away. She genuinely thought she'd been given to Emile permanently. She hummed some as she drew, looking up at Emile to smile brightly at him.


He of course had no intention of telling her that that might happen. He wanted her to feel happy and safe for as long as he was able to keep her. When he noticed her looking up at him he was quick to smile back down at her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily giggled some as Emile smiled, looking down at her drawing. She hummed. It was hard, yes, she had to put a lot of work into pressing the crayon down to get it to stick, but it was worth it. This was a lot more fun than the things Astral would do…


Emile still couldn’t believe anyone could hurt a child the way Astral had hurt her. It definitely didn’t strengthen his trust in the god. He wanted to take Simon far away from this place so Astral could never hurt him like that. But that wasn’t an option right now.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

No, it wasn't. It wouldn't be for a long, long time.
Speaking of Simon…
Mia yawned softly as she woke up, arms still around Simon's waist. She still wasn't sure what they were going to do, now. How they'd get out of this. She couldn't let Simon trust Astral…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia frowned slowly when she saw how Simon was doing. She moved to sit up, Simon in her arms.
"Simon?" She said softly, nudging Simon's shoulder gently to wake him up. Was it another nightmare?


And boy did Simon wake up. Most definitely not when Mia was expecting him to either. His eyes shot wide open and he immediately slapped Mia’s nearest hand off of him. “Get away from me!” He ended up yelling it out, his voice a lot louder than he intended it to be. His words were a lot more cruel than normal. He was overwhelmed, everything felt much too loud and too quiet all at once. There was too much of just…everything. He felt trapped. He couldn’t breathe. He….he remembered everything. And none of it was helping his already very unstable mental health. The reality that Astral really had been just as cruel as all the others. And now he was stuck here with him, forever. Simon wanted to kick and scream and bash his head against the wall until all the pain went away, he could be his own abuser for once. “Get away!” he screamed again, since unfortunately Mia was the only one there he could target his aggression at. Even though he wasn’t really mad at her at all, only himself. For once again being naive enough to believe he was worthy of someone’s true love. Stupid. Stupid little girl.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia pulled her hand back as Simon slapped her, her own eyes growing wide.
"I-I-" She didn't know what was going on. She moved away from Simon to the edge of the bed. Had she done something wrong? Obviously, if Simon was this upset at her. She winced as Simon screamed at her again, scrambling off the bed and to the door. She wasn't going to stay if Simon was so mad at her, even if she didn't know what she had done. She opened the door, closing it quietly behind her with a soft "I'm so sorry." She paused, back to the closed door, doing her best to not cry. She'd fucked up, she didn't know how but she had, and now she wasn't sure if she'd ever be able to help her friend again through this.


((Aaaaaaaa ;-;))

Simon didn’t even notice the exact moment when Mia left the room, he just knew at some point that he was alone. He’d moved himself off the bed as quickly as he could, those textures doing nothing to help. But even once he was shivering on the floor, he could still feel all of it. He still felt like he was there, in that moment. He could feel Astral’s hands all over his body, all the marks he’d left behind. It made him want to puke. In the end, he really hadn’t mattered at all. Once again, the only value he had was in his body and what it could do for others. He really thought that this time would be different. “I-I thought I did e-everything right this time.” He mumbled to himself, curled almost into a ball on the ground. He thought Astral was his friend.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia sniffled as she stumbled down the hall, leaning against the hall a moment. She was thinking over everything, everything, trying to figure out what she had done wrong. Should she have not trusted Emile..? He'd been there the night before, he'd said he was there to help Simon– but he was the only thing different. She'd fucked up, letting him stay there. For trusting him.
Astral was silent as he walked down the hall, hands folded behind him. He wanted to talk to Simon, see how he was doing. He paused, seeing the distressed Mia in the hall in front of him.
"What happened?" he demanded, taking large steps towards the woman and towering over her. "Where's Simon?" Mia looked up, trying to hide how she was shaking.
"H-He's upset, he kicked me out of the room-"


Simon pulled his knees up to his chest, the movement of course only making him feel worse. He wanted to leave. He wanted to be anywhere but here right now. But he didn’t have any choice in the matter, no choice at all. He put a careful hand on his stomach, feeling the bump there. This was never supposed to have happened to him. He let all the sadness that he’d had trapped inside come spilling out, sobbing loudly in the empty room. He still felt like a kid a lot of the time, he was far from ready to have his own. He still couldn’t understand why this always happened to him. He didn’t think he’d lead anyone on…had he?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral turned at Mia's words, fully intent on taking the opportunity to try to comfort Simon himself.
"N-No! Please, he can't- he doesn't want anyone near him, please-" Astral ignored Mia as she tried to stop him, continuing down the hall. Mia was shaking, but she had to find some way to stop the god. She didn't think, her hand coming up. She didn't realize until it was too late, the red mark on Astral's cheek overcome by the rage in his eyes. She didn't realize until his hands were around her neck, slamming her against the wall with a sickening crunch from her skull. She could only gasp as she was hit, over and over, bruises forming on her torso and arms as Astral punished her for her mistake.
By the time he was done, letting go of her and letting her drop to the floor, she could barely move, let alone speak.


If Simon knew what was happening to his friend because of him, he’d feel even worse. But for now he was none the wiser, and had his own complete meltdown to deal with.
He continued to cry loudly, desperately wanting a reassurance that everything would be okay. But nothing would be okay. Nothing would ever be okay. He hit his head against the wall, letting out another loud cry, his breath coming in again in short gasps. He wanted it to stop, he wanted the pain to go away.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

He'd yelled at the only person who could have given him that assurance to get out, after all, and look what had happened to her.
Astral wiped his hands off on his robes, turning from the crumpled woman and making his way down the hall. He paused at Simon's door, listening.
Oh, dear… this didnt sound good at all. Astral had enough experience with breaking people to know he really really shouldn't go in there at the moment.


He couldn’t even hurt himself too much, or he knew Astral would get mad at him. He hated it. He hated that he had to think about Astral first before he did anything. “Dammit! Fucking dammit!” he yelled, punching the wall before he could even think about it. He immediately doubled over, pulling his now bleeding hand against his chest, starting to cry even more. All he could think about was that night, every last detail playing over again and again in his mind. “Shut up!” He screamed. “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” But of course the stream of memories in his head didn’t comply.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral pulled his own hand to his chest as he felt what happened, resting his forehead on the door as he listened to Simon's shouting. He'd really messed the man up, hadn't he?
As long as Simon didn't hurt the child. Then everything would be okay, in the end. The god took a step back, turning to held down the hall to the living room.


Simon just stayed on the floor, crying his eyes out. At some point, he moved his hands up to rest on top of his head, starting to yank out small clumps of hair. It made him feel better in a way. It gave him something to focus on besides the past. More than ever, he was aware of that stupid mark on the back of his neck, labeling him as Astral’s property. It took all of his self control to keep ripping out his hair instead of trying to claw the mark off his skin.