forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Simon started humming a soft melody, similar to the one Emile had sung to him just the night before, trying to help put her at ease. He hoped Astral wouldn’t show up to bother them but knowing the god, it would happen at one point.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

He would eventually, of course. Mia had to keep herself from tensing as Simon hummed. She still blamed Emile for what happened when Simon woke up.
Astral was close to the point to where he was coming to deal with his 'mess.' He stretched, pushing the leopard lightly off his lap.
"Come on, now!"


Simon froze as well, his tune abruptly stopping. He started to shake almost immediately. It was too much already, he wouldn’t be able to handle it. He wanted nothing more than for Astral to leave them alone. But it seemed like that wouldn’t be happening. He wanted to hide behind Mia, but he knew she’d been through enough today already. He was so afraid.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia did her best to pull herself up, trying to put herself between Simon and the approaching god as best she could. Astral knelt down in front of them, letting out a breath.
"I'm not here to hurt you," he said quietly. He reached out, gently taking Mia's head in his hands so he could heal her. Mia shook some despite her best efforts, having to keep herself from pulling away.


Simon kept his eyes on the floor, afraid to even look up at him. He flinched even at just hearing Astral’s voice. Besides that he did his best not to react, clasping his shaking hands together. Don’t cry…just don’t cry.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

When Mia was healed, she put herself completely between Astral and Simon, one hand back protectively to Simon. She'd take another beating if it meant Astral left Simon alone.
Astral ignored her, though, his hands moving past her to hold Simon's head. Mia found herself unable to move to stop him, her breathing becoming panicked as she kept trying to move to stop the god.
Astral was careful of Simon's wounds, healing him.


He reminded himself not to fight back, the whole experience would be over quicker that way. He squeezed his hands together tighter, trying to focus on the pressure instead of Astral. The movement brought back a fresh sting of pain from his bruised knuckles that he refused to acknowledge. He was hoping Astral would just stop with the injuries on his head.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral noticed, though. Of course he would. He let his hands lower, placing them gently on top of Simon's. He healed them.
"I'm sorry," he said softly. Mia was still panicking, her shoulders going up and down as she breathed.


Simon opened his mouth to say something back, but thinking of nothing, and having no words escape his lips anyway, he closed it after a few more seconds. He still kept his eyes focused on the floor, knowing better than to say all the things he wanted to. That he knew the god hadn’t been sorry back then. That he could remember the look of pride in Astral’s eyes.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral took his hands from Simon finally, moving to stand. He knew he wasn't wanted. Mia could finally move again, breathing heavily as her head hung. She kept herself between Astral and Simon, glaring at the god.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia turned from Astral then to face Simon, holding his hands in turn. She doubted he wanted to go back to the bedroom…
Astral watched for a moment, quiet. What Simon needed was rest… and he wouldn't get it out there. It was a split moment decision as he took only a couple steps towards them before reaching out and picking Simon up.


Needless to say Simon didn’t like that in the slightest and went into fight or flight response almost instantly. “L-Let me go!” He was already pretty much screaming, trying desperately to free himself from the god’s arms. He started hyperventilating, his thoughts already going off the deep end of what might happen to him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral couldn't have Simon screaming the entire way back. So, he raised his hand, pulling it firmly over Simon's mouth. He did remove it after a moment, but that didn't mean much. He'd taken away Simon's ability to speak.
"I'm not going to hurt you," He said softly, holding Simon close to his chest and restraining him.
Mia was on her feet in a moment, trying to get Simon out of Astral's hands.


Astral’s words barely even registered in Simon’s mind, and even then they didn’t mean much to him. He’d already had enough broken promises. He was trying so hard to scream, to get any sort of sound out to make Astral listen to him, to make this stop. He very quickly began to cry as he became more and more panicked. He was still trying his hardest to get away from Astral, scratching and pushing at him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral took Simon's wrists in his hand, forcing the man to stop fighting so much. The god was just too strong. He frowned down at Mia, and soon she was just as frozen as before, her mouth sealed shut.
Astral's influence seeped into Simon's body again, making it sluggish without affecting Simon's mind. Taking the fight out of him.


Simon was terrified, and despite barely being able to move, he still shook with fear. He should’ve been expecting this to happen again but he wasn’t ready. He couldn’t handle going through that again right now. He silently stared up at the god, his eyes pleading with him. But he doubted Astral would look or even if he did, he wouldn’t care.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral let go of Simon's wrists, shifting his hold to be able to have the mortal closer to his chest. One hand rested on Simon's head, the other running up and down Simon's back.
"I've got you…"


That’s exactly what he was worried about. He was still crying, the tears seeming nowhere near coming to an end. As soon as Astral let go of his wrists he tried to start fighting again but his body wasn’t complying. The tears fell even quicker at that. He wanted to scream and scream until there was no air left in his lungs, but he couldn’t make a single sound. Astral’s hand on his back made him want to puke. He just wanted to be left alone.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral held Simon to his chest, and it wasn't long at all until he opened the door to the bedroom. He carried Simon to the bed, setting him down.
"You're okay, I'm not going to hurt you," Astral said again as he put the blankets up around Simon.


Simon clearly didn’t believe him at all. Being back on a bed definitely wasn’t helping either. Normally the blankets would make him feel better but even that only made him feel worse. At this point he wasn’t sure he could stop crying even if he wanted to. So he sat there, unable to move besides shaking like a leaf, tears streaming down his face uncontrollably.