forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily giggled some as she plopped back down at the bottom of Emile's pocket, humming some as he hurried off.
Astral was in the living room, not looking up as he heard Emile pass in one of the nearby halls.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily hummed some as she drew, quiet happy as she did. She had to draw normal size because of the crayon, moving around her part of the paper with a happy grin.
"Done!" She said stepping back. "Guess who it is!"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily hummed, taking a few steps as she kept drawing. She wasn't near as detailed as Emile, putting the color where she thought it went without any guides but her own mind. She looked over to see what Emile was drawing, jaw-dropping.
"Woah… That's so cool!!"


Emile looked over at her, pleased with the compliment. “Well thank you. I’ve had lots and lots of practice.” At the current moment, he was sketching one of the souls that had been staying with him and Alec. They’d just gotten there and had still been very nervous, and Emile thought that this would be something that could cheer them up some, if he was ever able to get it to them, that was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah… Do you think I'll get that good one day?" Lily looked up at Emile still, smiling brightly. She looked down at her drawings, trying to mimic Emile's technique, not doing very well. She didn't mind, though, still smiling.


“Sure kiddo! As long as you keep practicing, anything is possible.” Emile reassured. He was glad that she really was having a good time. “But the most important part about art is having fun. So I think as long as you’re having a good time, you’re doing a great job.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"So cool…" Lily giggled, looking up at Emile again.
"And I'm having a really good time! Thank you so much for doing this with me." Lily hummed, pausing to put her crayon down. She made her way over, hugging Emile's hand as best she could without messing him up.