forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“Yeah that’s unfortunately true….so basically I’m just doing what he wants until he tries to keep me here and keep me away from Simon. Thank god I actually am someone else’s soul or he wouldn’t even consider letting me leave.” He said with a soft sigh, shaking his head.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Someone else's? Who?" Mia asked, looking up at that. It was a good thing, seeing as Astral would have snatched Emile up in a heartbeat if he was free. She shifted some, careful to not wake Simon up. Lily coughed some again in her sleep, nuzzling closer in Emile's pocket.


He shrugged. “No one that you’d know, we’re not part of the pantheon.” Emile explained, checking on Lily, patting the top of her head gently, hopefully not enough to wake her up. “But he at least knows I’m here, and Astral’s letting me stay in contact with him.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia blinked several times as Emile explained.
"Not part of… I'm surprised Astral let you stay at all. These gods aren't very fond of other pantheons, for a lot of reasons…" Like the Ball. They were still all scared they'd end up somewhere else, even if they knew it wouldn't happen.
"But it's good you can stay in contact at least…" Lily let out a small hum in her sleep, leaning into the pat without opening her eyes.


He nodded. “Yeah it is pretty good, that way at least if Astral does something to me, he’ll know to come get me. Then it’s just a matter of how much damage we have to cause before Astral will let us leave.” He sighed. It was good to have someone to talk to about all of this. “Astral hasn’t really directly threatened me though so for now I’m all good.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Give him hell when it comes to that, yeah? He wouldn't let you back anyway, so you might as well cause some proper damage." As long as they avoided hurting the trinkets- they didn't do anything. They were all stuck here too, after all.
"For now. It's a matter of time."


Emile was glad that it had all worked out. That one interaction could’ve ruined everything for them. But thankfully it’d worked out, and for now, Emile would still be able to help Simon, and try and keep him safe. He knew that Astral wouldn’t really get better, even if he really did want to, Emile was guessing he’d give up as soon as it got too difficult.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia was glad as well. She didn't want things to be worse for Simon, and for Emile, either. She settled back down into the bed for the night, arms gently wrapping back around her friend as her eyes closed.


Emile nodded, kissing Simon’s forehead like he’d done the night before and then standing up, going over to Astral. He’d had a few difficulties in the night keeping Simon peaceful, but it seemed like he’d managed to stop any nightmares from happening. But that didn’t guarantee that Simon would still go into the day okay.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral looked to Simon a moment, letting out a breath. He'd squeeze the usefulness out of Emile until he ran dry, and then he'd toss him to the side like he had everyone else.
"Let's go…" He knew Mia could deal with Simon during the day.


Emile shrugged. “I’m not sure honestly. I’ve never had to take care of him like this for a long period of time.” He replied honestly. He knew it was probably frustrating Astral to not be able to do anything to him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

If Astral knew, he'd just throw this life out the window and go full force.
"Alright, then." Astral walked away from Emile's side when they were back in their part of the palace without another word.
Lily shifted around some in Emile's pocket, yawning softly as she curled up more. She'd had a really nice night of sleep, and it seemed she didn't want to wake up for the day.