forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily was relaxed the entire time, as warm as she could be in her slowly drying clothes and hair.
It was later, but eventually Astral came into the library.
"Emile," he called out, in no rush. If Emile wanted to try to at least get Astral to forget about Lily, it would be best to not have her out in the open when Astral came.


Thankfully Emile came to that same conclusion, gently slipping Lily into the biggest pocket he had. Which, for the type of clothes he wore, wasn’t exactly a problem. He’d just have to remember that she was there. “Yeah?” He called back, moving towards where he heard the god.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Lily shifted just some as she was put away, staying asleep for now. Astral soon came into the row Emile was in. He didn't say a word about Lily, or where she was.
"Simon's asleep," he said calmly, arms folded.


That was good. Even though part of their contract was that Astral couldn’t hurt him, Emile didn’t doubt that the god would break that same contract if he really wanted to. Emile nodded again. “Okay then, let’s go.” He said, starting to walk in that direction.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral followed, still quiet. He would gladly break the contract if he thought it would benefit him or Simon, and there wasn't very much that could be done about it. If anything, Alec would have to come and demand Emile's soul be handed over to his rightful owner.


Emile knew it could happen at literally any moment, he just hoped he would be prepared if it did. After another minute of walking, they reached Simon and Mia’s room. Emile quietly opened the door, making sure they really were both asleep.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was a fickle god, and it was quite possible it would be right after this that the deal was broken and Emile was tucked away on some shelf again. Mia was sound asleep, snuggled up to Simon with her arms around him. She was glad, at least, that Simon was okay with all of this…


At the very least Emile knew he wouldn’t go down without a fight, creating as many problems for the god as he was able to. Emile sat down carefully at Simon’s side, glad to see he’d fallen asleep by himself. He began humming softly, gently running a hand through Simon’s hair.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral leaned against the wall as he had done before, watching. If Emile tried anything, the god would step in. He knew if he did break the contract, he'd have to be quick and sudden, a time at which Emile wouldn't expect Astral to do anything to him. He didn't want any fight, or problems.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral was silent the entire night, his eyes only for Simon and Emile. At one point, he actually left. From what he had learned, he knew Emile wouldn't do anything to hurt Simon. So, the four were alone.
Lily was sound asleep in Emile's pocket, still, and it seemed Astral really had forgotten about her.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Nothing happened, of course. Astral had actually gone away, to his own room, to get some sleep himself. He doubted Emile would be going anywhere any time soon, with his precious son trapped in the palace.


The god was right in that assumption. Emile had no plans on leaving soon. He knew it was well within the god’s power to be able to hunt him down, and cause problems for more people than just him. So he wouldn’t try to escape. He’d stay until Simon didn’t need him anymore, or until Astral broke their contract.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Who knew how long that would take. Who knew how long it would be until Simon was better, or more likely when there was nothing Emile could do to help anymore. Who knew if and when Astral would break the contract.
Mia shifted around some on the bed, moving closer to Simon.