forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

If Simon had tried, Astral would have stepped in to stop him, and that would have made things much much worse. He moved down the hall still, sitting down when he made it to the living room with a sigh. He felt like he should do something, but it'd just make things worse.


Everything felt…insane. He felt insane. He wanted to go back to sleep. He didn’t have to think about all of this if he was asleep. He sniffled, his tears having stopped for the moment. He pulled his hands away from his head. Looking down at them, he realized they both had a decent amount of blood on them now. He looked at the floor around him, seeing the clumps of his hair that had fallen to the floor, some of them still had small pieces of his skin attached to them. “Shit…” he could feel himself starting to cry again for no other reason except how stupid he was.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral reached his hand up, touching his head. He half expected to see blood when he pulled his fingers away, but there was none. He let out a small sigh. Well, if Simon was smart enough, he'd think to come to Astral to get healed up before Astral had to come do it himself.


He wouldn’t, he most definitely wouldn’t. Thankfully it wasn’t a serious injury, so it should just scab over and be fine. Simon didn’t know what to do still. He was somewhat calming down from his initial meltdown, which wasn’t really saying much. All that really meant was it no longer felt like everything was on fire and his senses weren’t completely overwhelmed. He still didn’t feel well enough to move, he hadn’t even begun to wonder what had happened to Mia. He was just grateful he could be alone to calm himself down.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral wasn't going to have Simon injured, though. Eventually, he would come, and he would make sure Simon let the god heal him. Until then, though, Simon was alone. Mia wouldn't be coming back any time soon, after all.


((Simon: gets a minor injury))
((Astral: fixes it immediately))
((Also Astral: beats the ever loving shit out of Mia and then just leaves this is fine :) ))

Simon had made quite a mess that he’d need to clean up. He looked over at the wall next to him, surprised at seeing there actually was now a hole in the wall. He felt a small burst of panic, not knowing if he’d get in trouble for it or not. He’d just have to apologize to Astral for doing it and hope that he’d be allowed to fix it. He sighed, beginning to pick up some of his hair off the floor.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group


Astral hummed some to himself, leaning back in his couch. Simon seemed to have calmed down, at least. That was good. Astral should probably clean up the mess he made in the hall, but he wasn't bothered much. He figured he had plenty of time before Simon found Mia.


Simon sniffled softly, his whole body feeling like shit still from the massive breakdown. His eyes were most definitely swollen at this point from all the crying. He just wanted to clean everything up and then go back to sleep forever. He still was, of course, feeling a lot of different things. But he didn’t have the luxury of being able to work through all of them. So he continued picking up his hair off the floor, wondering if he’d have the energy to stand to go throw it out.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral grew bored, and bored was never a good thing for the god to be. Perhaps he'd go check on Emile, see what he was up to… He was interrupted, though, by a certain leopard coming over to rest his head on the god's lap. He chuckled softly, patting the big cat's head.


Thankfully, Simon did, using the bed frame to help pull himself up, surprisingly pretty stable on his feet. He moved his hand off the bed as quickly as he could, very much still bothered by the texture and the flow of memories that came with it. It had all hurt so much…but he couldn’t let himself start thinking about that again. He focused on his current task, just finding a bathroom to throw his hair away in. He’d gathered up all the pieces by now, surprised at how many there were. He didn’t remember pulling out that much. He moved over to the door, opening it up and moving out into the hallway. And that’s when he saw her. “O-oh my god.” He rushed over to her side, shoving the hair in a pocket or something, a problem to deal with later. “Mia?” He gently pulled her into his lap some, being oh so careful.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia groaned some as Simon moved her onto his lap, eyelids fluttering open. She looked up at Simon, pressing closer to him with a pained whine. She was shaking some, hands coming up to hold onto his shirt. She still couldn't manage to say anything, just letting out a soft sob. This was all her fault. She made Simon mad, and then she made Astral mad. Stupid, stupid, stupid! She just couldn't do anything right. It was her fault, all her fault…


He gently slipped her hand into his, giving it a gentle squeeze. “It’s okay, you’re gonna be okay.” He said, not knowing what else to say. “I-I’m so sorry for yelling at you, I didn’t mean it, I really didn’t! A-and then I kicked you out, and now this happened a-and-“ he started crying again, the tears rapidly sliding down his cheeks. “I’m so sorry!!” It was all his fault, he never should’ve screamed at her, or he should’ve at least gone to check on her sooner. He couldn’t believe Astral would have done all of this. And he knew it was Astral because..well…who else could it have been? He’d promised he wouldn’t hurt her like this again. Yet another promise that Astral hadn’t hesitated to flush down the drain.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia continued to cry, clinging to Simon's hand when he took hers. She shook her head, chest heaving. It was her fault, it wasn't Simon's. He hadn't done anything wrong, he wasn't to blame for any of this.
Everything hurt. Even movement sent pain through Mia, but she couldn't stop her shaking as she sobbed into Simon's shirt. She just wanted it all to go away, she wanted it all to stop.


“I’m gonna go get you some ice and bandages for you, is that okay?” He asked gently, carefully running a hand through her hair in an attempt to calm her down. His own troubles were almost forgotten, he was just focused on helping his friend.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia nodded slightly, eyes closing. She didn't want to be left alone, but it was better than trying to get Astral to heal her. She sniffled some, leaning slightly into Simon's hand in her hair.


“I’ll be right back.” He reassured, gently pulling away and setting her back on the ground. He stood back up and quickly made his way into the kitchen, opening the freezer to grab some ice. He put it into a ziplock bag and wrapped a paper towel around it, bringing it back to Mia. “Here you put this on whatever hurts most right now, and I’m gonna go get some bandages to start patching you back up.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia curled up on the ground as she was put down, trying to wipe at her eyes. She still winced as she moved, coughing. It racked through her body, and everything felt like it was on fire for a moment until it subsided into the more dull pain in comparison. She looked up as the ice was offered, moving to hold it to her stomach. That's where Astral had hit her the most.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia nodded some, eyes closing again.
In the bathroom, there was… nothing. No bandages, or gauze, or even painkillers, and surely no disinfectant. Astral had never figured on needing to use such things, seeing as he could heal any of his souls with a flick of his wrist.


He sighed, not really sure why he’d expected there to be anything there. They’d just have to make due with some of the stuff they did have. He grabbed some towels and headed back out to Mia. “So there’s no real luck in there, we’ll just have to use these for now.”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia nodded slightly, looking up at Simon. She rubbed at her eyes with one hand, sniffling again.
"I– I'm sorry…" She finally managed to get it out, doing her best to not break down crying again.


“No, no, no! It’s okay! You didn’t do anything wrong!” He reassured, gently pulling her into his lap again. He didn’t feel like it’d be a good idea to move her right now, not with the state she was in. “I’m sorry for yelling at you…”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia couldn't help it, starting to cry softly again. She shook her head some, looking up at Simon.
"N-No, I… I-I'm the one w-who slapped Astral…" It hurt to admit, and Mia turned her face to hide in Simon's shirt. This was her fault she was like this…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Mia shuddered some at the memory, but she nodded some. She kept her face hidden, just letting her friend hold her for the moment. She hated it. She hated all of this. She just wanted it to stop.