forum Broken Dreams and Haunting Memories// Closed!// 16+
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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“S-sorry if I’m bothering you. I just expected you to have come and woken me up by now…” he said, only then realizing he didn’t even really know what time it was. “Did you go somewhere?” He asked out of curiosity.


He nodded cautiously, taking Astral’s hand. “U-um sure.” It only registered then in his mind that he hadn’t known the time because he couldn’t find his phone to check it. He didn’t think much of it though.

((Also would you like the Official List now??))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral lead Simon down the way, passing by the living room. There seemed to be a hushed silence over everything. Everyone knew what was going, or so they thought. Astral pushed the door to the work room completely open, showing the semi concious man strapped down to a chair.


((So basically….These aren’t really organized in any specific order btw
But Nathan is a very controlling alcoholic. He’s been dating Simon for around five months, Simon moving in with him after like the first month and things got bad pretty much automatically. Nathan treats him more like an object than a person, and makes Simon feel guilty about everything he does, even just eating. (Needless to say, Simon’s preexisting eating disorders didn’t help.) Nathan was gone pretty much all day for work but wouldn’t let Simon leave the apartment (and he used the app on Simon’s phone to make sure he wouldn’t leave). Nathan was always really angry when he came back from work, which pretty much always resulted in Simon getting hit and verbally abused. Nathan purposefully uses degrading feminine terms when he’s insulting him because he’s found it to be the most effective (stuff like bitch and whore, ya know). He’s threatened Simon’s life on multiple occasions, once starved him for an entire week, and has almost drowned him in the kitchen sink several times. He’s also raped Simon multiple times, or pressured him into sex. When Simon ran away the first time (only a week or two after he’d moved in with Nathan), Nathan broke both of his ankles afterwards (using some type of blunt weapon). Yeah and ig he also just hates when Simon cries, and has gotten mad at him about it, which is why Simon is usually trying his best not to cry when Astral hurts him. Well that turned into a very long paragraph….oops.))

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(I… I hate this man with a burning passion)
(And I can see a few ways of Astral handling that, from just turning him into a trinket and moving on, to… well, you'll see me setting up the other things soon enough ;) )

Astral lightly put one hand on Simon's shoulder.
"I know how much he must have hurt you," he said softly. "I want him to pay for that." Astral turned a bit, facing Simon entirely.
"What would you like me to do to him, Simon?"


((G O O D :) ))
((Also I totally didn’t think way too in depth about this last night and cry for like 30 minutes…I’m very tired lmao))

He stumbled back a step or two. “I-I…” he started stammering out, really unable to think of a way to respond. He hadn’t wanted this. He’d just wanted to be free from Nathan, not actually hurt him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral reached out, gently taking Simon's hands in his.
"Please, Simon," he said softly. "He's hurt you so much. I… I want to make sure he won't be able to hurt anyone else ever again." He reached out a hand to cup Simon's cheek, being so gentle with his touch.


He actually did hesitate then, he looked up at Astral. Astral could probably tell he was scared. “I-I don’t want to hurt him. I know he’s terrible but..” He couldn’t do it, doing that would only validate some of his worst fears. Like that people only got hurt, and did terrible things, because of him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral's eyes widened just a bit when he saw how scared Simon was.
"Okay," he said softly. He hugged Simon a moment, keeping himself in front of Simon so he didn't have to look at the man. "Then I won't. I'll just tuck him away somewhere safe, so he can't hurt anyone, okay?" He could actually punish the man later.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I promise." Astral didn't notice the man waking up, too busy comforting Simon. He ran his fingers through the man's hair, holding him close.
"I won't hurt a hair on him, but he's not going to be able to do anything either."


“Okay…” He said, seeming to calm down at last. Which of course quickly got ruined by Nathan waking up. Having heard Simon’s voice, his eyes narrowed.
“Simon!” He barked out, Simon flinching. “You little bitch when I get my hands on you you’ll wish you were never born!”

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral stiffened for a moment, face hardening. He held Simon close a moment more, then let go, turning to the man.
"I would suggest shutting the fuck up," he growled. He made his way over, and suddenly it was very, very hard to keep his promise to Simon. Still, he controlled himself, grabbing the man's chin.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral glanced back at Simon, offering him an assuring look.
"It'll be over in a second," he promised softly. He turned back to the man in his hand. He moved his fingers to press a bit into his cheek, letting his powers flow into him. It was shrinking him, reshaping him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Astral finished, picking up th new trinket. He turned to Simon, holding the former human in his hand.
"Like I said," he said gently. "I'm going to tuck him away somewhere safe, so he can't hurt anyone anymore."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"I'm going to keep him in here," Astral promised softly. "So you don't have to be reminded of him all the time." He set the trinket down on the table, going over to hug Simon in comfort. He wondered vaguely wondering how the new decoration was reacting to his new situation.


“O-okay.” He said quietly, though it felt loud in the now silent room. “Do you want me to leave now?” He asked, more wanting to know if he could leave, just too afraid to ask directly.
Nathan had never been one to believe in magic or anything of the sort. Whenever Simon had brought it up, he’d always called it childish and stupid. So needless to say, his mind was having some trouble coping right now.