forum Big Brother: Gay Edition (MATURE, Enter at own risk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's not that it wants to kill you," Halm said softly, beginning to walk away. "It's purpose is to make sure the soul and body are completely seperated before rebirth." He scratched the top of Cas's head.


"Oh… okay." Cas purred a bit louder, leaning into Halm's hand. "You're good at that…" He murmured.


Nix circled Halm as he walked, meowing loudly. "Mmmm… quiet, Nix… I'm enjoying myself…" Nix huffed and shut up, but he didn't stop following.


Nix jumped on the couch and climbed into Halm's lap. He nudged Cas, seemingly checking to see if he was okay.


"Yeah… you're such a worrywart, Nix. Calm down. I'm fine." Cas gently patted Nix's head with one paw. Nix didn't seem particularly satisfied, but curled up on Halm's lap anyway.


"Nix is always adorable, thank you very much." Nix shook his head a bit and allowed Halm to pet him. "Would you be able to turn Nix into a person?"

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"It's possible," Halm said. "And unlike you right now, he'd be able to speak English if he did." Halm pet Nix, running his hand from Nix's head down his back. He hadn't done that with Cas, mostly because it was an intimate thing to do and Cas was… Well, he still had a human consciousness.


"Mm…" Nix stretched out his paws a bit and yawned, purring. Cas watched him curiously, basically just curled up into a ball in Halm's collar.


Cas huffed and buried his face in Halm's neck. "Only because cats are always cute…" Still, he couldn't keep himself from purring at the compliment.


"Nooooo…" Cas whined, burying himself further. Nix looked up at them, seemingly smiling. He nudged Cas with his nose and purred. "W-What? Why are you agreeing with him?!"


"No I'm noooot…" Cas whined. "I'm an asshole… just a stupid asshole." Nix rolled his eyes and climbed up to lay next to Cas, resting his head against Cas's to calm him down.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Not true," Halm said. "I've had to deal with assholes before, and you're nothing like them." He shifted to make it easier for Nix to sit with Cas, making sure both of them were supported enough.


(Okay but Cas and Nix are so cute)
Cas huffed indignantly and Nix purred to relax Cas. "Stop being so good at your job. I'm trying to be intimidating." Nix stuck his tongue out a bit and huddled closer.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

(they're adorable and both I and my characters would do anything to keep them safe)

Halm smiled softly. Nix was so good with Cas.
"Cas, no offense, but you're even more adorable when you try to be intimidating."


Cas huffed again, clearly pouting. As both a cat and a human, thus just made him more cute. "Am not…" Nix nodded a bit, agreeing with Halm. "Stop agreeing with him!"


"Nooo…" Cas buried his face in Halm's chest, muffling his whine. Nix lay his head back on him and sighed.