forum Big Brother: Gay Edition (MATURE, Enter at own risk!)
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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Nix leaned down to just start eating, but Cas pushed him back. "You're not gonna be able to use utensils, but at least use your hands." Nix hesitated a few seconds before picking up his fish and biting into it.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Halm smiled a little. Nix was trying, at least. Hopefully, Cas would be okay with him going back to his normal state. He wasn't sure Nix would do good as a human permanently. He started eating, finishing quickly. He sat back, happy to wait.


"Can cats eat rice?" Cas asked, trying to help Nix eat his food. He clearly was very unused to eating this way.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes," Halm assured. He'd made sure to pick foods Nix could handle when he turned back. Of course, in his human body he could handle everything a normal human could. Halm scooted over a little to offer help if need be.


"I'm not sure he likes being a person… it might be best to change him back so he can actually eat."


Nix hesitated before accepting Halm's hand and returning to cat form. He jumped onto the table and started eating his rice.


Nix licked up the last of the rice and yawned, jumping down into Cas's lap. Cas picked him up and carefully jumped off of his chair.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Halm came over for the other two plates.
"That was quite the adventure for you to, huh?" He asked with a smile. He was actually contemplating claiming Nix as well, but he probably wouldn't.


"Why are you suddenly so intent on telling me I'm attractive?" Cas asked tentatively, keeping Nix close to himself.