Davin nodded a little. He didn't like using those old funds because they belonged to the dead. Not to him.
Davin nodded a little. He didn't like using those old funds because they belonged to the dead. Not to him.
Tohru pulled out his device and started flipping through local bounties.
“A lot of gangs and stuff around here,” he said, “It wouldn’t be hard to find a target. And honestly, it wouldn’t be hard to find a target who I wouldn’t feel bad about killing or turning in.”
Davin nodded a little bit. "Yeah. Just so long as you don't take pity on them and bring them home." He replied with a faint laugh, gesturing to himself vaguely.
Tohru laughed.
“In my defense, this has never happened before,” he said, “And you weren’t a target to kill. It’s easier when they don’t… talk.”
He laughed faintly again. "Ah. I see." he replied, looking at Tohru and shaking his head slightly.
“You actually didn’t deserve to be captured,” Tohru explained, “If that makes sense. I have no problem stopping drug lords or killers, or corrupt politicians and businessmen, so that’s been the majority of my jobs.”
"Ah. Alright. Yeah, that makes sense." he ran a hand through his hair, letting out a quiet breath.
“Yeah, I mean… meeting the real me was probably a little… offputting,” Tohru laughed, “I’m not the ruthless killer kind of bounty hunter that tends to be the face of the job.”
He laughed at that. "Yeah, nah." he replied, shaking his head. "One moment we were kissing, and then there was handcuffs, which I…kinda thought was a kink, if I'm honest, so I was thinking "alright, bit weird to do this without any prior discussion, but I'll let it go" and then you pull a gun on me."
Tohru felt a little heat flood his cheeks.
“Yeah, I could’ve gone about that in a better way… but for the sake of capture, it was probably better you thought it was a kink,” he said, trying to laugh it off.
Yet, the talk made him weirdly nervous.
“But uh… I didn’t even end up capturing you, so now it just feels weird. There were a hell of a lot of things I did not intend on doing that night. I’m usually better under pressure…”
He laughed a little bit. "Yeah. I kinda figured after you pulled a gun on me that you never had any intention of sleeping with me." he replied with a shrug, not seeming overly bothered by that fact.
"Yeah… ugh… I'm still sorry about that. I shouldn't have pulled the gun so quickly, much less actually pulled the trigger," Tohru sighed, scratching the back of his neck, "I don't really know what struck me."
(gtg sorry)
"Yeah. It's fine." he replied, touching the bandage and shrugging his shoulders as he looked over at Tohru.
“Alright, alright…” Tohru said, a hint of surrender in his voice, “I just have a lot of regrets about all that happened. It’s been eating away at me.”
(actually never mind, on for a while longer!)
Davin shrugged again. "It's fine, Tohru. Not the first time I've been shot or anything, don't worry about it."
“I know, I know… you keep saying that,” Tohru replied, shaking his head, “And I’m trying to believe you. But ugh… it’s a lot still.”
Davin shrugged a little bit. "Yeah, alright. I just…I don't know. I really don't mind all that much."
“Weird, but okay,” Tohru said, “At least there aren’t any hard feelings between us. Living together and all, that wouldn’t be great.”
"Yeah. I mean…I dunno." he shrugged, laughing a little at himself. "Sorry, I'm not making much sense, I know."
“You’re fine,” Tohru said, “Great, actually. At least it’s kind of reassuring.”
He leaned back.
“I would get mad as hell if someone put me through that.”
Davin shrugged. "Yeah. Like I said, though. I've…been through worse, actually."
Tohru wondered what’s that “worse” thing was, but he dared not ask. He smiled at Davin.
“Well, hopefully I can actually be of help to you now.”
"I'm sure you can." Davin replied with a soft smile and a laugh, looking over at Tohru. "I think." he shrugged his shoulders slightly.
Tohru laughed to himself.
"I can at least play the role of housewife. Y'know, cooking and cleaning. That shit," he joked, "It's not much, but it's something."
He laughed. "Depends, you going to wear a cute apron?" he asked, raising his eyebrow with a faint smirk.
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