“Yeah…?” Tohru replied, sounding a little shaky.
He closed the toilet lid and flushed it, then went to rinse his mouth out.
“I uh…”
He went to open the door. His face had gone pale.
“I’m not sick, exactly, if that’s what you’re worried about,” he said very softly.
"Then what's going on? Let me help." he replied softly, looking worried. "You're so pale…what's going on?"
“I uh… I have this weird thing where when I get um… emotional…? I um… I start feeling weird, to say the least,” Tohru tried to explain, “I can’t really do anything about it, so I’m not sure that you could help anyway.”
His eyebrows drew together a little as he tried to understand. "I…alright." he said slowly. "Are you sure that there isn't anything I can do?"
Tohru shrugged. “Not that I know of. I already tried deep breathing and all that to calm myself, but… I almost feel like I can’t breathe either.”
"Alright. Do you want to lay down, or…?" he bit his lip slightly, wracking his brain for anything that could possibly help Tohru. But he had no idea what to do.
“Yeah, I probably should,” Tohru sighed.
He went back to the kitchen to grab his glass of water, then laid back down, where he was before.
“Sorry to worry you. I don’t mean to be such a pain…”
"It's alright." Davin replied softly, following Tohru back to the living room. "I promise. It's fine."
No it’s not, they all just say that…
“Well, thanks for the concern,” Tohru said, very sincere but also tired.
He sank back down into the chair, wanting to hide more than anything else.
Davin nodded, sitting down and keeping a worried eye on Tohru. "Of course. Just…let me know if there's any way at all that I can help you, alright?" he replied, raising an eyebrow a little bit and hoping that there was a way he could eventually help.
“I will,” Tohru replied.
He wasn’t exactly lying. He just didn’t know whether he actually would or not. It was hard to speak up when he already wasn’t sure what was going on.
“You know, my folks used to think I was lying whenever I’d get like this,” he admitted, “So it’s weird to talk about it at all.”
He frowned a little bit. "Alright. Well…I believe you, for whatever that's worth." he replied, biting his lip a little and looking over at Tohru.
“It’s definitely worth something,” Tohru said, debating whether he should actually bring up why he thought this all had suddenly happened.
After all, his guilt really shouldn’t be any of Davin’s concern. All he would do is the same as everyone else and lie about it being “okay” and “not his fault.” Yet Tohru wondered what’s he did actually want to hear. That it was indeed his fault? That he was a failure? Neither really would satisfy him.
Davin fidgeted a little bit, his tail twitching slightly as he looked down at his hands. He didn't know what to do right now.
“You can go back to what you were doing. I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Tohru reassured Davin.
He sank down further into the cushions, in an odd state between so exhausted he could pass out and so anxious he was stuck wide awake.
"Alright." he said slowly, opening his book up again. He chewed on his lip, tail still twitching faintly as he read. He kept casting anxious glances over at Tohru.
Eventually, Tohru felt so wiped out, he fell asleep for a bit. It was very brief, though, and he woke up still a bit short of breath and worried, but some of the worse physical feelings had faded.
Davin read quietly, shifting to sit cross legged with his head resting on one hand. He started to hum quietly as he read, tail tapping the beat on the couch.
Tohru opened his eyes and shifted, bending his knees over the arm of the chair. He looked over to Davin, watching his tail flick, almost in awe.
He kept humming, tail still gently tapping the beat. He didn't seem to notice Tohru's movements, fully absorbed into his book. Curls of hair fell into his face a little, though he didn't seem to notice.
Tohru kept half-watching Davin, biting into his lip when his hair fell. He had the strangest urge to tuck it back behind his ear.
He leaned over to grab his own device, then went in to check his messages. One of his employers had sent several messages asking for progress, but Tohru didn’t respond, knowing that if he did, it could mean more trouble. But that also maybe meant that they would eventually start looking for him. Maybe not, because Tohru was such a little fish, but they would wonder what happened to him for sure, just as someone who was chasing Davin.
Davin continued to read, humming quietly with his mind fully absorbed into the story. It might seem like he didn't worry about being followed, but in reality he was just so used to the possibility that it was highly likely he wouldn't know what to do if he wasn't.
“Davin…?” Tohru asked, debating whether or not to bring up the messages to him.
He decided he would.
“I’m not certain, but it’s possible my boss is trying to track us,” he said.
He looked up, going quiet and tail going still. "Oh." he replied simply. "I assumed so. Don't worrya bout it. We'll move again in a few months."
“Oh- uh, okay,” Tohru said, taken aback, “I knew you were used to it, but you seem so unfazed. It’s new for me. I love around a lot, so I don’t have a tendency to plant my roots anywhere, but the reasoning is wildly different. It feels strange.”