"Alright." Davin replied slowly, not pushing it. He went back to his book and sighed softly.
"Alright." Davin replied slowly, not pushing it. He went back to his book and sighed softly.
“Yeah, sorry to worry you or anything. I’ve just got a bit of like… a mental block,” Tohru sighed, “It’s not unusual.”
He looked up again. "Oh. Alright. Just let me know if I can help, alright?" He replied, biting his lip a little bit.
“No, that’s okay,” Tohru responded.
He shuddered a bit at some of the thoughts that were going through his head. This was all his fault. He had already put Davin through so much shit, and they’d just met.
Davin bit his lip again, not sure what to do. He glanced down at his book, shaking his head a little and letting out a faint breath.
Tohru closed his sketchbook and left it on the kitchen counter, then headed for the bathroom to shower. He turned the water up so it was scalding and stepped in.
He felt an odd tightness in his chest as the hot water started to flow across his skin, leaving red marks where it touched. Tohru worked shampoo through his hair, doing his best to ignore what he was feeling, and instead focus on the painful scalding and the process of cleaning himself.
Davin kept reading, letting out a faint breath. His tail was twined loosely around one of his ankles, the end twitching and brushing against his legs in a nervous habit that he couldn't really shake no matter what he did.
Tohru was standing for a while, but he grew strangely tired and sat on the shower floor. The water started to run cold.
Deep breaths, deep breaths.
It was an odd feeling, though not unfamiliar. As he tried to draw each breath in, it was like it hit some sort of block. He tried to stretch to relieve the tension, but nothing seemed to work.
He leaned forwards to shut off the water, and was hit by an odd wave of dizziness and nausea.
Tohru stayed still for a few moments to ride out the unwelcome feeling. It ebbed a bit but didn’t quite go. He still got out of the shower and grabbed a towel, trying to push past whatever this was.
Davin waited for Tohru to come back, still unsure what to do. The other male had been acting odd and he wasn't sure what that meant, wasn't sure what he should say.
Tohru eventually got dressed and left the bathroom, in fear that he might worry Davin. Yet he still felt sick. He might throw up. But maybe not.
Tohru brushed through his hair meticulously, taking out any tangles, partially to distract himself again. It didn’t work.
I did this… I did all of this…
He licked his lips. His whole mouth was feeling dry.
Tohru looked back into the living room to see Davin was where he’d left him. Hopefully didn’t suspect anything. Except he definitely did. Tohru wasn’t sure whether he preferred Davin to stay silent or say something about it.
Davin looked up when Tohru came back in, raising his eyebrows a little bit. "You sure you're alright?" the Kaythani asked, hoping Tohru wouldn't lie to him about this.
Tohru paused for a second. Should he lie again? Who did it help?
“I dunno, I’m not feeling well,” Tohru replied, “I mean, it happens sometimes. It’s not a big deal…”
Idiot. He’s got enough to worry about. You’re the asshole who got him here. You shouldn’t be on that list.
"Maybe you should lay down?" he stood up, coming over to Tohru. "Would a nap help? I can run out to the store and get some Ibuprofen or Advil or something?"
(me, using modern drugs because idk what else to say)
“N-no! That’s okay, really,” Tohru replied, “Besides, I don’t thing they’ll help anyway.”
He gave a half-hearted smile.
Now you’ve done it.
Another wave of nausea hit him, and he did his best to stave it off, leaning against the doorframe and closing his eyes, trying to take in a few deep breaths. But he still felt his chest was too tight to do so.
“I’ll just rest for a bit, and I should be fine.”
(Honestly same)
Davin nodded a little bit. "Alright, if you're sure? Just…let me know what I can do to help." he said with a quick smile, looking at Tohru carefully.
Tohru nodded.
“Thanks, but nothing at the moment,” he insisted.
He curled up in the same chair he’d sat in earlier, sort of with the intent to take a nap, but there was no way he could sleep like this. His thoughts were absolutely racing.
Davin sat down again, keeping a worried eye on Tohru. "Alright." he said slowly, biting his lip and hoping that Tohru was alright. He didn't know what would happen if Tohru wasn't.
After a while, Tohru looked up. He wasn’t feeling any better, but he sought to turn the tables a bit.
“How’s your arm healing?” he asked, gesturing at the one he’d shot.
Davin glanced over. "Hm? Oh. I haven't checked." he replied, glancing backd won at the bandage and adjusting it.
“Oh, well you probably should at some point. But if it’s not horribly painful, it’s probably not getting infected. Still very sorry about that, by the way,” Tohru sighed.
"It's alright. You were just doing your job. I'll check it later, though." he replied, giving Tohru a gentle smile. "It's not the first time I've been shot, I'll be fine."
“But still…”
Tohru fell silent, his chest tightening again. He shook his head.
It didn’t have to happen again. He could’ve carried on with his life there. You should’ve at least actually captured him if you were going to uproot him anyway. Idiot. Coward. Pathetic excuse for a person.
Davin picked up his book, sighing softly as he started to read again. He really didn't mind that he had had to move again; he moved around a lot anyways.
After laying in his spot for quite a while, mulling over his thoughts, Tohru was hit by another wave of feeling sick, and he rushed back to the bathroom, quickly tying his hair back along the way in case he did throw up.
And he did, pitifully crouched over the toilet. He had made it just in time. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make him feel even more disgusting. It wasn’t that same relief that came after throwing up when you had a stomach bug, because the root cause of it wasn’t gone in this case.
Tohru just felt gross. Terrible. Weak.
“Fuck this…” Tohru muttered to himself, slumping back against the wall and allowing his horrible thoughts to continue eating away at him.
Davin got up, walking over and knocking on the bathroom door. "Tohru?" he asked, biting his lip a little and wondering if the other was going to be alright. He had no idea how to help, since Tohru wasn't really letting him try.
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