Davin carefully started to flip through it, looking at the different drawings. "These look really good, Tohru." he said softly.
Davin carefully started to flip through it, looking at the different drawings. "These look really good, Tohru." he said softly.
Tohru beamed a bit,
“Ah, thank you,” he murmured.
Then he stopped abruptly when he remembered the sketch of Davin he’d started on earlier. He didn’t want to take it away. Maybe Davin would miss it?
Davin continued looking through the drawings. "I wish I had anywhere near this amount of skill." he said with a little smile, looking over at Tohru.
“It’s just the result of a lot of nights by myself,” Tohru joked, “I definitely had an abundance of time to practice.”
He laughed a little. "What are you insinuating about me?" he asked, smiling at Tohru for a moment, before returning to looking at the drawings.
“Oh shit- I didn’t mean- ah, I was trying to take a jab at myself,” Tohru laughed, “But I guess my point was more, with a lot of practice, most people can pick up skills like this.”
He laughed, nodding a little. "I was teasing." he replied, looking over at Tohru and then going back to the sketchbook.
Tohru nodded.
“I know, I know.”
He leaned back in the chair, feeling a little anxious as Davin approached his own portrait.
Davin flipped to the portrait of himself, and blinked. "Oh." he said slowly.
Tohru stiffened a bit.
“What’s up?” he asked, trying to remain outwardly calm.
He turned the sketchbook so Tohru could see. "Uhm…" he didn't know what to say.
“Oh, yeah,” Tohru replied, trying to deflect any odd feelings, “I just use people I see as inspiration sometimes. It helps a lot when I have an art block.”
He nodded slightly. "Oh. Alright. I was just…surprised. I wasn't expecting…" he shrugged a little, biting his lip.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, I won’t draw you any more in the future,” Tohru promised, seeming quite flustered over the whole thing.
I don’t just draw people… I draw attractive people, but he can’t have noticed, right?
"I don't…mind. I just wasn't…expecting it." he replied slowly, looking at Tohru and biting his lip again, ducking his head.
“Fair enough,” Tohru said with a slight smile.
“Of course, you’re always free to tell me if I’m bothering you, though.”
Davin nodded, closing the sketchbook and holding it out to Tohru. "Alright. And same for you. Thanks for letting me see the sketchbook, though."
Tohru took the sketchbook back carefully.
“Yeah, of course. I don’t usually show it, but you seemed interested.”
He gave a slight smile.
Davin smiled back. "Yeah, it was really interesting to see." He replied, running a hand through his hair.
"I'm glad," Tohru said, tucking the book up to his chest.
He checked the time, just to break eye contact.
Davin nodded, stretching lazily, tail twitching a little as he did.
"Hm… well, we didn't eat lunch today, and it's getting a little late. Want me to make an early dinner?" Tohru asked, stretching out his hands a bit.
He just needed to find something to do. Something that kept him away from Davin, even if just for a few minutes. Nothing the other said truly helped the guilt, not to mention how he got this strange, fluttery feeling that was not guilt sometimes when they talked.
Davin looked over at him. "Oh– yeah, that sounds good. Want me to help?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked over at Tohru.
"Uh, I mean… you can if you want," Tohru said, "but I've got it under control."
He walked over into the kitchen again, tying his hair out of his face.
Davin nodded slightly. "Alright. Let me know if you need anything, though." he replied with a faint smile.
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