"Most indoor things are fine." He replied. "Anything where I don't need to take off the cloak." He shrugged his shoulders a little bit.
"Most indoor things are fine." He replied. "Anything where I don't need to take off the cloak." He shrugged his shoulders a little bit.
"Oh, well… are there any openings anywhere in that shop district we visited yesterday?" Tohru suggested.
He was trying to be helpful, but was afraid he was just repeating things Davin had already come up with.
Davin blinked. "Oh. I hadn't thought of that." He replied with a smile, and clicked to see if there was. "Thanks."
Tohru relaxed a bit.
"Yeah, no problem," he replied, smiling back.
He moved to pull out his own device, and also started looking for work, nothing in particular in mind. It was a little frustrating, since he had usually just made a living before collecting bounties.
Davin kept searching through the jobs, needing to find one that he could keep wearing the cloak at. He ate while he looked.
Tohru settled over a section that had some jobs that looked interesting, but he was still unsure where to even start. He ended up sitting there and finishing breakfast instead of continuing his search.
Davin bookmarked a few more jobs. "Tohru." He said softly. "I need your contact information so I can send you some stuff." He looked over at the other male.
"Oh, yeah. Of course," Tohru said.
He walked over and tilted his device towards Davin so he could input his information.
"We should've done that to begin with."
Davin chuckled softly, putting his information in. "We should have. But now if you'll just message me, I'll have the information I need." he replied, shooting Tohru a quick smile.
"Yeah, of course," Tohru replied.
Internally, he was melting a little at the sight of the other's smile. Was he this way with everyone? Tohru pushed aside the thought.
He probably is. You're just taking things wrong. That's wishful thinking…
Davin nodded, leaning back in his seat again. He got the information ready, and once he had Tohru's contact information, he sent a few links.
Once the links went through, Tohru began exploring.
"Thanks! These are actually really helpful," he said, back from where he'd sat on the couch again, "I'm thinking of looking at some restaurant jobs, since I can cook pretty well. There are a few of those on here."
(gtg now, sorry)
Davin smiled. "Yeah, no problem." he replied. He sent in a resume for a few different jobs, hoping he'd get at least one. The coffee pot chimed, and he got up. "You want coffee?"
(It's all good)
"Yes please," Tohru replied.
He sat back and started filling out a resume. It had been a while since he'd had to fill out one of these, and he felt quite insecure talking about himself and his job experience and history.
Davin came back, handing a mug to Tohru and sitting down. "Here." he said with a quick smile. He took a sip of his own, closing his eyes.
“Thank you,” Tohru replied.
Shit, there was that smile again. He took a sip of his coffee. It had been a few days since he’d actually been able to drink any, which wasn’t exactly great because he practically lived off caffeine.
"You're welcome." he replied, eyes still close. He took another sip of his, stretching and letting out a breath. "Any luck with jobs yet?"
“Well… I’m working on filling out a resume,” Tohru replied, “but it’s hard…”
He set his device on his lap and continued picking at the form.
"Yeah. You want some help?" he opened his eyes to look over at Tohru. His tail flicked slightly as he wound it around one leg.
Tohru nodded shyly.
“That’d be great,” he said, “I don’t have a lot of prior job experience, so…”
He stopped for a moment.
“These are entry-level, I’m worrying too much, aren’t I?”
"Yeah, you are, but that's fine." Davin got up, moving to sit next to him. "Now. What do you need help with?" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"I don't know," Tohru huffed, "They're asking for like… my skills and shit. I don't know about that…"
He took another sip of coffee.
"It's annoying."
"Well, what are your skills?" he asked, looking at Tohru with raised eyebrows.
"I don't think I have any special skills," Tohru sighed, rubbing the back of his head, "Or maybe I'm just insecure as hell. Maybe both.
He leaned his head against the couch.
"Yeah, maybe I'll just apply for a bunch of cooking jobs and call it a day."
He laughed softly. "Come on. You found me. How did you find me? What skills did you use to find me?" he asked, looking over at Tohru. "Cooking jobs are a possibility too, I suppose."
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