"Um… I-I dunno, honestly." Cas looked back at the frost on his bed, floor, and wall. "Little shaken up, honestly, and pretty sore. He… he wasn't particularly pleased with me…"
"Um… I-I dunno, honestly." Cas looked back at the frost on his bed, floor, and wall. "Little shaken up, honestly, and pretty sore. He… he wasn't particularly pleased with me…"
Nick glared at the wall for a moment. Then he sighed, relaxing a bit and hugging Cas. “I’m sorry. I wish that I could have stopped him.”
Cas hugged him back tightly, burying his face in his chest. "It's okay… I'm glad you didn't. Then he would've hurt you too…"
Nick frowned, knowing Cas was right. He figured if he had tried to stop Cas’s father, then his father would only hurt Cas more.
"Now, c'mon… I really need to cuddle right now." Cas pulled Nick over to the bed and lay down, holding up his arms needily.
Nick chuckled softly at Cas and followed him, putting his arms around the other boy.
Cas tucked his head under Nick's chin and cuddled close. "And I'm freezing, so it's now your job to help me with that."
“That’s an easy fix,” Nick said, smiling slightly as he warmed his body temperature. He was basically a human heated blanket.
"Thaaaanks, love…" Cas relaxed in Nick's arms, sticking out his tongue a bit as he grew steadily warmer.
Nick smiled fondly at him and lightly kissed his cheek.
Cas smiled right back, feeling a little less miserable with Nick being there. "As much as I hate to say it, you'll have to go soon or we'll get caught…"
Nick sighed. “I know…” he mumbled. “But another minute won’t hurt.” I hope, he added mentally.
He nodded, cuddling close again. After another minute or two, he heard knocking on the door and froze. "Holy fuck- hide!" He whispered, pushing Nick off the bed rather roughly and scrambling to get over to the door.
Nick panicked, looking around for a few moments before quickly diving under the bed. It was a tight fit, but at least he could fit completely, even if he wasn’t sure he could get back out.
Once Nick was out of sight, Cas opened the door. Thankfully, it was just someone bringing him food. He thanked them and closed the door, managing to make it back to the bed without passing out. "You okay, Nick?"
“Fine,” Nick responded from under the bed. “Stressed and sore beyond belief, but fine. Also, can you help me get out from under here?”
"Mhmm." Cas knelt beside the bed and grabbed onto Nick's hand, trying to help drag him out.
Nick pushed with his feet, managing to free himself after some effort. He lied on the ground for a moment, catching his breath. “Thanks.”
"No problem, love." Cas replied breathlessly, laying beside Nick on the floor.
"Maybe I should get going as soon as I catch my breath," Nick admitted. "That was a close call."
Cas nodded. He hesitated a few seconds before speaking again. "…I'll miss you…" He said softly, his voice hardly audible. He crossed his arms and looked away, blushy and embarrassed.
“I’ll miss you too,” Nick responded. “But I’ll be thinking of you, if it helps. I’ll be thinking of you until we see each other again. And I will find a way to see you.” He leaned over and kissed Cas quickly, breathlessly.
He kissed Nick back, enjoying the kiss while it lasted. "I love you… I hate getting all soppy like this, but stay safe, will you? I hate seeing you hurt."
“Don’t worry about me,” Nick assured him. “I’ll be fine. I love you too.” He stood up and stretched before looking out the window. He swallowed. The climb down was not going to be easy. He flashed a smile at Cas before climbing out of the window.
Cas sighed, leaning back against the bed weakly when Nick was out of sight. The next few hours or days or even weeks weren't going to be a fun time for him.
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