Luckily for him, Nick managed to make it most of the way down before falling flat on his butt. It was painful, but he could walk. He hurried back to where he was staying, his tailbone (and his heart) aching.
Luckily for him, Nick managed to make it most of the way down before falling flat on his butt. It was painful, but he could walk. He hurried back to where he was staying, his tailbone (and his heart) aching.
Cas crawled back onto the bed to sulk, ignoring the food he'd been brought. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink… He thought bitterly to himself.
The entire walk home, Nick tried to come up with ways to communicate with Cas. Once he arrived, Jane took one look at his hands and glared at him, bandaging them up.
“They’re not that bad,” Nick protested.
“They’re bleeding,” argued Jane. “Besides, we can always say that you got into a fight with a stable boy if no one can see the wounds. It’s idiotic, so it’s plausible.”
Cas crossed his arms tightly over his grumbling stomach. He was starving after their stay on the ship, but he was far too stubborn to accept any food or anything from his father at the moment. Resigned to stay hungry for a while, Cas willed himself to fall asleep, which he eventually managed.
Nick rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine.” Jane smiled with satisfaction.
“Now you have to tell me everything that happened!” she pestered Nick. He sighed.
“Okay.” And he told her all of what had happened aboard the ship.
Cas stayed asleep for a while, and he woke up in the morning even hungrier than before, but still determined not to eat.
(Feel free to continue your Nick/Jane convo)
(ok lol)
“Nick! You are such an idiot!” Jane said as he finished telling the story. She slugged him in the arm, but not hard enough to be very painful.
“So you tell me,” he responded. “But I’m worried about Cas, and I don’t know how to get to him. I climbed there today, but obviously I can’t keep doing that.”
“Maybe you could send letters?” Jane supplied.
“No, that’s too obvious,” Nick brushed her off. “We’d get caught.”
“That’s why you’d need a pseudonym and a code,” Jane responded, rolling her eyes like duh.
“Because Cas’s dad will just trust some stranger sending his son letters,” Nick said sarcastically.
“That is a problem,” Jane agreed, putting her chin in her hand in thought.
Cas got up out of bed and dumped the food he'd been brought out the window so they would think he'd eaten. He pushed the tray into the hall through the crack under his door and went back to his bed to lie down.
“I’ll figure it out tomorrow,” Jane promised her brother. “Now please get some sleep.”
Nick narrowed his eyes, but he was obviously exhausted. “Okay.”
Cas lay in bed for a while, bored and lonely. When breakfast was brought to him, he threw it out the window as well.
Nick finally fell asleep after hours of tossing and turning and thinking about Cas. He even dreamed about Cas, though it was more of a nightmare.
Cas wondered what Nick was doing without him. He tightened his hold on himself whenever his stomach growled more angrily, not even knowing how long he was going to starve himself for.
Meanwhile, as soon as Nick woke up (at noon), he was thinking of ways to communicate with Cas. Maybe if he dressed a servant and pretended to be working on a task? No, Cas’s father recognized him. If he wanted to pull something like that, he’d have to be sure Cas’s father was not at home. Maybe if Nick found a potion that could help him fly? Not likely. But an invisibility potion. Sure, potion venders were unreliable and most of their stuff was simple tonics to relieve back pain or keep one healthy, but maybe he could find something.
After a while of idly laying in his bed, Cas had to get up. He was getting too antsy to stay there. He decided to pace the room for now, once again tossing his lunch out the window when it was brought and kicking the tray under the door a few minutes later. Considering he had a bathroom in here and was being brought food, despite not eating it, he could be locked in here for quite some time.
Nick had a few ideas, but most of them were either bordering on impossible or quite risky, so he decided to talk to Jane. She would know how to help. The problem was, Nick couldn’t find her anywhere. He began to think of places she could be. Jane almost never left unless she had to. She loved reading and bossing people around. So where was she?
After about an hour of pacing, the lack of food was starting to catch up with Cas. It had been three or four days since he'd eaten anything substantial (not a time skip btw). He was shaky, weak, and lethargic, and he eventually had to sit down when he started feeling lightheaded.
After what felt like an eternity, Nick finally found his sister. He had so many ideas, and they discussed some things. Jane didn’t have any quick ideas, so they agreed to put something in motion. When Jane went to go eat, Nick snuck out and decided to try his original strategy of climbing the wall. His hands hadn’t completely healed, but he’d probably be okay.
Cas was curled up on the ground by now, weak and shaking. Luckily, he'd left the window open. All the remnants of the food he'd thrown out the window were still there, being either eaten by birds or other wildlife.
When Nick got to the spot to begin climbing, he noticed a strange collection of food on the ground. That was odd. Some of it had clearly been there for a day or two, picked over by animals, and some of it looked recent. Had Cas been throwing food out the window? Why on earth would he do that? Whatever the reason, it set Nick’s heart racing. He was able to brave the climb in a much shorter time than before, despite his aching hands, because he was fueled by adrenaline. He dropped tiredly into the room, noticing Cas on the floor. “Cas? What have they done to you?” he whispered, still worried someone might hear.
Cas whimpered quietly, glancing up at Nick from the ground. He had his arms crossed tightly over his stomach. "I-I'm striking…" He said, his voice faltering and breaking. His stomach grumbled angrily, but he ignored it.
Suddenly, the food outside the window made sense. “By not eating?” Nick asked, his eyes widening. “You’re going to kill yourself! Cas, you can’t just not eat!” Nick frantically tried to remember whether he had any food on him.
Cas just weakly shrugged and closed his eyes, huddling close to Nick for comfort. "They… T-They can't make me… they can lock me in this damn room, b-but they sure as hell can't force me to do anything, and… and that includes eating…"
“Cas, listen to me, you have to eat,” Nick responded as he searched his pockets, finally coming up with a biscuit. He had put it there a couple hours ago to save for a snack. “Here, take this biscuit. It’s not much, but you need to eat something.”
He shook his head. "I don't want to…" He kept his mouth firmly shut and turned his head away so Nick couldn't try to force the food into him.
Nick blinked, running his hand through his hair anxiously before sighing. “Okay, okay, I won’t force you to eat,” he said, trying to think of a plan. “But what do you think will come of you not eating?”
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