“I’m sure you will.” His words had a teasing lilt, but Nick had no doubt that Cas meant what he said. He walked over to Lydia, who sighed. “Inside the ship, fourth door on the left,” she instructed Nick, and he nodded.
“I’m sure you will.” His words had a teasing lilt, but Nick had no doubt that Cas meant what he said. He walked over to Lydia, who sighed. “Inside the ship, fourth door on the left,” she instructed Nick, and he nodded.
Cas just clung tighter to Nick, glad that the contact wasn't causing the other boy to freeze. He really needed cuddles right now.
Nick carried Cas all the way to the room, setting him down on the bed with a small gasp of exhaustion. If carrying Cas made him tired, he was more out of shape than he thought. Thank goodness he hadn’t stuck around until he was supposed to fight. What had he been doing these past months?
"You okay, love?" Cas asked, trying to pull Nick down to the bed so they could cuddle. Honestly, he was very out of shape as well. His magic was really his only bet at winning a fight.
“Psst, I’m fine,” Nick replied. “That was nothing.” He let Cas pull him down with a small laugh.
Cas pulled himself into Nick's lap to cuddle, tucking his head under the other's chin. "If you say so…"
“Well. at least we don’t have a cell anymore,” Nick said with a small smile. “Though I have a strong suspicion this room locks from the outside or something.”
"I wouldn't be surprised, love." He kissed Nick's neck gently. "They don't trust us much."
“I don’t trust them either,” Nick responded, before shutting up and just smiling.
"Yeah… me neither." Cas fell silent as well, content to just cuddle.
Even surrounded by pirates in this, frankly fishy smelling, ship, Nick was glad that Cas was there with him. He smiled and tried not to think about what would happen to them as he cuddled with Cas.
Cas didn't mind the fish smell too much. He rather liked fish, actually, but he wasn't thinking about that. All of his focus was on Nick.
Nick closed his eyes, his arms around Cas. He was still exuding warmth slightly, gently trying to help both of them warm up.
"Mm…" Cas relaxed a bit more from the warmth, seeming to rather like it. He buried his face in Nick's chest.
Nick smiled at that, more than happy to be a human heated blanket for Cas. He sighed contentedly.
Cas's powers seemed to be under control now, which was definitely improvement. He didn't seem to have any interest in doing anything but getting warm and comfortable.
“Hey, Cas?” Nick asked, speaking for the first time in a while as he continued to exude warmth.
"Mm… Yeah, love?" Cas replied, looking up at Nick curiously.
“I love you,” Nick said with a grin. He wasn’t sure what Cas had expected from him, but he was in a very good mood because being with Cas made him so happy.
Cas grinned as well. "Aww. I love you too, Nick." He hugged Nick tightly, seeming to be in better spirits.
(the fluff…there’s too much :D)
Nick hugged him back, still relieved that Cas was okay. Nick didn’t know what he would have done were something to happen to him.
"When do you think our dads will come to get us?" Cas asked.
“I don’t know. Hopefully soon,” Nick responded. “If not, maybe we can impress Lydia and become pirates.”
Cas shrugged. "I suppose so. I don't think I'd make a very good pirate, though."
“I think you’d be a dashing pirate,” Nick teased. Truthfully he was a lot more worried than he let on, but he tended to hide his anxieties with jokes.
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